Two new family members

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Everything calmed down after a while. Grace and Chester were alone with their still unnamed son. Hannah and Mamrie left a little while ago and said they would be back later with Sarah and Rick. "Grace, we still need a name for our little buddy. I really like the name David or Jamie." Grace looked at her child. He was sleeping in her arms. "Jack-David Luc." Grace whispered. Chester looked at Grace and his son. "I love it. So full name Jack-David Luc and we call him Jack?" Grace smiles at Chester and looks back at her boy. "Hello Jack. Welcome to the world." "Oh and Grace, I have to ask you something?" Chester pulled something out of his pocket. "Will you do me the honor to be the official dad of our child?" Chester opened the box and show Grace a beautiful ring. Grace's mouth fell open as she nodded wildly. "OMG! Yes. Of course." Chester placed the ring on her finger with a big grin. Grace pulled Chester closer and kissed him passionately.

"Today is the day." "Little nuggets on their way out. These 37 weeks just went by too fast." "Let's hope the delivery will too." Sarah helped Hannah into the car to drive to the hospital. Hannah's water broke, but no contractions yet. They arrived at the hospital without any problems. No busy roads, no accidents and no contractions. Hannah sat in a wheelchair as they walk to the entrance. A nurse guided them to their room after they checked in. A doctor checked Hannah within 10 minutes after they arrived. "Both babies are head first. I don't see any problems. You'll have a natural birth." The doctor smiled at the ladies and left the room. "That makes me feel so much better." "Me too Han. It's going to be hard but you'll be totally fine." Sarah kissed Hannah just when the contractions started. "First contraction isn't that bad." "Oh Hannah. Can't wait to see these two and hold them."

Grace and Mamrie walked in when Hannah was in the bathroom. "How is she?" "She's doing fine. It's going slowly, but all 3 of them are doing fine. So I'm a happy girl. How's your little Jack doing?" Grace smiled. "He's doing really well. He's a hungry little boy and growing so fast. I think I'll keep him." Mamrie rolled her eyes. "Our old Grace is back." Hannah walked into the room. "Hello!" "And Hannah is back too!" All 4 girls laughed until Hannah got a contraction. "Han, breathe. Don't forget to breathe Honey." Hannah's breathing slowed down. She walked to the bed and sat down. Sarah helped her with her legs. Grace and Mamrie sat down on a chair next to the bed. "Grace, what are you doing here? You have a 5-day old baby at home." "Don't worry, Hannah. I'll go home and come back later. I want to be here for you, when those two come out, because you were there for me." "Aww, Grace. You don't have to do that I'll be fine." "I know you will, but I'm doing it anyway." Grace gave Hannah a kiss on her forehead. "I'll see you girls in a couple hours. Text me when it's almost happening. I'll be here in 10 minutes." "Bye, Grace." Grace hugged everybody and went home to her little family.

"Chester I'm back." Chester came walking out of the kitchen holding Jack. "I was just about to warm a bottle from him but now you can breastfeed yourself." Grace took Jack from Chester and took place on the couch. She placed Jack on her breast and he started sucking. Grace giggled. "What is it Grace?" "It still feels weird. I still have to get use to the feeling of somebody sucking on my nipple." Chester smiled. "It's not the first time somebody did." Grace looked at Chester. "Are you really doing this now? You and your dirty mind." She leaned in and kissed Chester. Jack released Grace's nipple and she moved him over to her other one. "Chester I think that I'm going to sleep a couple hours before I go back to the hospital. Can you stay with Jack?" "Of course I can. Don't worry about it." They sat on the couch together while Jack drank his milk. After a while he had fallen asleep and Grace handed him to Chester. Grace kissed Chester and walked up the stairs.

"Hannah, you are doing great. You are progressing faster than we expected. In couple hours you will have to babies in your arms." Sarah stroked Hannah's forehead while the doctor spoke. "You are doing so great Hannah. You are already halfway." "It hurts so much. But I can do this." Hannah took a deep breath and focused on her breathing again. She could do this. She was the one wanting a natural birth without drugs. She could do this. "Sarah can you get me some more ice water? I'm a little bit thirsty." "Of course Hannah." Sarah walked out of the room and left Hannah and Mamrie alone in the room. "Do you still want kids after seeing me and Grace like this? It seemed scary to me when you see it before you go through it yourself." Mamrie looked at Hannah. "Of course I still want kids. I've seen a lot more than just you and Grace and I'll be fine Han. Or are you trying to tell me something?" Hannah shook her head. "I'm nervous now for these babies and I guess that I'm projecting it on you." "It's fine Hannah. You'll be okay."

"One more time Hannah. One more time and your first baby is out." Sarah was sitting behind Hannah and Grace and Mamrie were either side of her. Hannah pushed as hard as she could. "And she is out. You have a beautiful little girl." She placed the girl on Hannah's stomach and handed Sarah a pair of scissors. "Cut between the clips." Sarah did and a nurse took the girl away to get cleaned up. "Are you ready Hannah?" "Aaaah nooo." "Easy Hannah. Slowly." Their little boy was out minutes later. "Congratulations you have a boy." Sarah cut the cord and their boy was taking away too. Both babies were cry their longs out. Hannah had tears streaming down her face. She was so happy. She was a mother of two now.

Later that day Sarah sat in bed with Hannah. Both holding a baby. "I'm just so in love

"This was an amazing week but I'm exhausted. Grace and Hannah had their babies and I'm just as tired." Rick sat beside her on the couch and started massaging her shoulders. Mamrie turned her back to him. "That's nice. I needed this. Thanks honey." She turned a little to give him a kiss. "I'm sorry I haven't been home that much lately." "It's okay I understand that. You wanted to be there for your girls and work. Next week will be more fun, because if I'm not wrong next week is an important one." Mamrie looked at him confused. "Aren't you ovulating next week?" "Oh yes I am." Mamrie winked at him. "But we don't have to wait that long."

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