Emotional Rollercoaster

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"Chester, I'm not feeling that well. Do you mind cancelling our plans? I wouldn't enjoy it and you wouldn't either, because of me. Maybe we can do it next week, because I really want to take Jack to the zoo." Chester kissed Grace's forehead. "Don't worry about it. Go and sleep a little more. Leave Jack to me." Grace snuggled under the covers again and closed her eyes. Chester climbed out of bed and walked to the kitchen. Jack wouldn't be up for about an hour, so he had some time to make a nice breakfast for himself. He looked in the fridge and took a couple things out. He baked some eggs with cheese and bacon, made toast and coffee. He ate everything in total peace and quiet. After he finished he walked to Jack's room to look if he was awake yet. Still sleeping. Oh he looks so much like his mother, when he is sleeping like this. Chester walked to his bedroom and check on Grace. She was sleeping peacefully too. He took some clothes out of the closet and walked to the bathroom. He took a quick shower, got dressed and brushed his teeth.

Jack was up and really to go. Chester decided he wanted to make a nice and light meal for Grace. He bundled Jack in a warm jacket and was out the door to do some grocery shopping. He left a little note for Grace and closed the door behind him. Jack was in a good mood, so he was back in the house in 20 minutes. He places Jack in his play area and started cooking. Toast, crackers, boiled eggs and fresh orange juice. He pick up the plate and his son with the other hand and walked to the bedroom. He placed Jack on the bed first and the plate on the ground, before he started waking Grace up with some sweet kisses. Grace turned on her back and hugged her 9 month old son. She looked at Chester. "Are you feeling a little better?" Grace nodded. "Ches?" "Yes Gracie." "I think that I'm pregnant. This feeling feels a lot like morning sickness." Chester nodded. "Do you want to do a test?" Grace nodded as she climbed out of bed. She handed Jack to Chester as they walked to the bathroom. "Ches, why am I nervous? This is what I wanted." "Maybe because it still could be a fake pregnancy. It happens sometimes." Grace shrugged. "Maybe." She took out a test and peed over it. When she was done she place it on the bathroom counter. "And now we wait."

"I know they wouldn't remember this later, but it's still their first birthday. And I remember how much fun it was to look at all the photos of the birthdays I didn't remember. My parents really spoiled us when we were little." Sarah and Hannah looked at each other for a while. "Han, I think we should celebrate their birthday too, but it doesn't have to be big. A little gathering of friends and family can be fun too or maybe we can celebrate it together with Grace and Chester. Little Jack is born in the same week." "I'll talk to Grace about it. I really like that idea." "Hannah we aren't in a hurry they are only 9,5 months old." "I know, I know. But I'm just so excited."

"Mrs. Helbig, I think it is better if you sit down for the news I'm about to tell you." Grace looked a little bit concerned at her doctor. "You don't have to worry. Your babies are healthy and growing fast." Grace's mouth fell open. "Babies?" "Yes, Mrs. Helbig. You're pregnant with twins and next time we can probably already find out the gender of the babies." Grace bit her lip before she answered. "I don't want to know this time. I want it to be a surprise, but I'm going to tell Chester we are having twins when I'm home." The doctor nodded. "You are free to go. They're both healthy, growing good and your belly is growing good too." He handed her the ultrasound pictures and Grace shook his hand. "Thanks again." "It's my job." Grace walked out of the office with a big smile.

Grace was seated on the couch when Chester got home. She was all bundled up in a blanket and staring at him with a big smile on her face. Chester smiled back. "Grace do you have something to tell me or are you just so happy for no reason?" Grace looked at him and moved from under the blanket. She walked up to him and took his hand placing it on her little belly. "Both the babies are growing good." Chester looked shocked at her, taking a step back. "Did you just say both?" Grace nods. Chester starts getting tears in his eyes. "We are having twins? We made two babies. Are they identical?" Grace nods. "So two girls or two boys. I'm hoping on two girls to be honest." "Me too. Next time we can find out the gender of the babies, but I don't know if I want to know." "It'll be easier with the names." Grace looked at Chester. "True. I'll think about it."

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