Scared straight

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"Sorry sorry sorry." Hannah came running towards the customer service. Sarah started tearing up as she took the sleeping Quinten from Hannah. "Where were you?" Hannah looked at Sarah and wiped a tear from Sarah's cheek. "I was in the toilet, because Quinten was stinking and I had to pee so badly." Sarah hugged her wife and Quinten woke up. "Hello little boy." "Mommy." The boy said hugging Sarah tightly. "Letty!" The boy had big eyes and pointed his finger behind Sarah. Hannah turned around and started crying. "Scarlett! OMG! Sarah, I see Scarlett." Sarah turned around too and stared at her little girl. She was crying in the arms of another customer. "I think this little cutie belongs to you two." The kind stranger smiled. Hannah took her little girl tightly. "Where was she?" "She was playing on the playground happily until she realized her brother and moms were gone. I knew right away that she was the lost girl. So I picked her up and brought her here." "Thank you so much. Really thank you." "No problem. I know the feeling. I lost one of my kids here too."

"Sarah I feel so bad we lost our little girl. They are getting a leach from now on." Sarah started laughing. "Han, isn't that a little bit much?" "Yeah, maybe it is a little bit much. I just don't want to lose one of them again. It just so stressful." Sarah leaned forward and gave Hannah a peck on her cheek. "Let's go home and snuggle our nuggets and go out to eat. Because I'm not in the mood for cooking anymore." "Sounds like a plan. Tonight they can sleep in our bed." Sarah looked at Hannah and just smiles at her. "If that makes you feel better they can."

"It was so scary guys. I hope you never have to go through it." "That sound horrible." "I feel so bad for little Scarlett. She must be so scared." Hannah nodded. "She was. The lady who found her said she was crying really loud and screaming bloody murder for her momma." Hannah saw that Grace was getting tears in her eyes. She turned to her friend and grabbed her hand. "She is fine. Happily play with her brother and your little Jack. Lily, Rosa and Maddie are sleeping upstairs, so they are also fine." Mamrie hugged her friend to calm her down. "I just feel so bad for you and Sarah and Scarlett. I just can't shake the feeling I'm having." "It's okay Grace. I get it. I was scared but luckily nothing happened and we are going to be extra careful from now on." A little scream came from the other room, followed by crying and Scarlett running into the room. "What's wrong Honey?" She took her mom's hand and pulled her with her. Somebody was still crying in the other room. Grace and Mamrie walked behind them. Jack and Quinten we laying on the ground. Jack was crying. Grace picked up her little boy and he calmed down a little bit. "Jackie what happened?" "Jack ouch. Quin ouch." Hannah and Grace looked at each other. "I think they bumped into each other. Quinten has a bump on his head and it looks like Jack has one too.

20 minutes, 2 icepacks and 3 popsicles later and all three kids were happy again. Watching T.V. on the couch all cuddled up into each other. "They are so cute. I hope our girls will be the same way when they are older." "They'll be the best of friends. Just like us three."

"Rick I have to tell you something." Rick sat down on the couch next to Mamrie. "Maddie is going to be a big sister. I'm pregnant again." Rick looked at her. "How long have you known?" "A couple days but I wasn't sure in the beginning. Now I am and I'm so excited. I want to jump, but I wouldn't." Mamrie smiled. She kissed Rick's cheek. "Did you tell anybody else?" Mamrie shook her head. "I needed to tell you first and now I can tell anybody else. I want to call my mom to tell her the news. Do you want to call yours?" "Yeah. I'll call mine tonight. They aren't home right now and I was going to call anyway.

'Hi mom. Yes with Mamrie... No mom Mamrie... Yes everything is fine here. Is dad there too?.. Oh okay. No that's fine... Maddie is growing good and she is going to be a big sister... Yes you are going to be grandma again... I don't know anything yet. I found out a couple days ago, so I haven't been to the doctor's yet... I'm about 6/7 weeks now I think. So pretty early... Mom Maddie is awake. Talk to you later?... Have a nice day too mom and say hi to dad. I'll call again when he is home and tell him myself... Bye mom.' Mamrie hung up the phone and looked at Rick. "That's one. She was so happy and she is going to tell my dad before I can call and tell him about it myself." "Well that's the problem with parents. They tell each other everything. Just like we do." "That's true. Completely true but let's just enjoy this together before we tell more people. I think I'll tell my girls tomorrow." "And I'll call my parents tonight. They'll be so happy with their second grandchild." Mamrie snuggled up to her husband as she fell asleep slowly.

"It took me a while to figure out what was different about you today Mames. But I think I know" "Well tell me Han. I would love to know what you think." Grace and Mamrie both looked at the blond girl just standing there. "Don't look at me. I don't know." Mamrie looked at her shorter friend. "Tell me little Hart. What do you think?" "Mames you are glowing like the sun, no alcohol on the table and you are drinking water at the moment." Grace opened her mouth in realization and the redhead smiled. "You are cleanly pregnant." The redhead nodded. "Maddie is going to be a big sister in about 33 weeks. It's still early but we are so happy and Maddie has no idea what is happening." Grace smiled. "We had the same thing in our household. Jack had no idea and now he is so awesome with the twins. It's so much fun to see them interact with each other. The girls are starting to crawl fast and Jack loves to run behind them and laughing. All three of them can laugh so well." "Maddie is a crawler too and she starts to pull herself up on the table and couch too. Sneaky little nugget steals things of the table when we aren't looking." Hannah laughed. "That sounds like Quinny when he was a little younger. He used to do that too." The redhead shakes her head. "We have amazing kids. That's the only thing I can say about that. They are just amazing." "I agree. Amazing little devils." The blond had to laugh about that.

"Chester you are going to go away with Jack? And I set-up up the party on the location?" "Yes that's the plan. Lily and Rosa can play right there and you can organize everything. Me and little Jack pick up the cake and when we arrive at the location everybody is already there." Grace nods with a big smile on her face. "I hope he loves our surprise." Chester wrapped his arms around the blond. "He will Honey. He knows we are going to this place but all the presents and family are extra. He just wants to play believe me." The blond nods. "Our girls will like it too. Let's see if the birthday boy is awake yet. So you two can get ready to go out the door and I can start getting the rest ready." Chester took her hand and they walked up the stairs. Chester opened Jack's bedroom door and started singing. Grace walked in behind him. Jack was standing in his bed with a big smile. "Good morning big boy. Are you ready to get out of bed?" He made grabby hand. "I think he is ready." Chester lifted him out of his bed. "I'm going to look if the girls are awake too." Grace walked out of the room to the room of her twins. She could hear them babbling to each other. "Ches come here and listen." Chester sat next to Grace and listened to his girls. "We are so lucky. Go get these 2 ready I'll do Jacky pants and start breakfast."

Grace heard Chester go downstairs with Jack. "So girls... It's your brother birthday today. So be nice today please. We are going to have so much fun today." Lily was still in her crib and Grace was busy with changing Rosa. Grace put some comfortable playing clothes on Rosa and placed her on the ground. She picked up Lily and started taking of her PJ's. "You girls are so cute and look so much like me when I was little and your brother looks like your daddy. Can you say daddy?" "Daaaaa." "Almost Honey." The blond kissed her daughters cheek, who giggled as response. Rosa started pulling on Grace's pants. "One minute Honey. I'm almost done with your sister." Rosa didn't want to wait. She started crying. "Roro I'm almost done. Please Honey give me one minute." The blond finished dressing Lily and pick up Rosa. "Shall we go downstairs? See how your brother and daddy are doing?" Grace placed Lily on her other hip and walked out of the room. But what Grace did not see what one of Jack's cars on the ground.

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