New start in June

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A/N: The next 3 chapters are a little different. All happenings will be in 1 month.

June 2017

"Everything is ready for the twins I can't wait until they are here and I can cuddle them." The redhead was seated on the couch. She did not do very much the last weeks of her pregnancy, but she needed to go out the door from an imported meeting. "Are you really sure this a good idea?" "Yes I'm sure. I can handle it and I have Hannah and Grace if something happens." Rick sighed. "I know but I'll still be worried about you. You're 37 weeks pregnant with twins. They can come at any moment." Mamrie stood from the couch. She waddled to her man and hugged him. "I'll be fine. I promise. These 2 are not going out today." The bell rang and Mamrie waddled to the door. "See you tonight, Honey." Mamrie opened the door and hugged her short friend. Grace was seated behind the wheel. Hannah helped Mamrie walked to the car and get in. Hannah jumped in the back and Grace drove off.

"See nothing happened. I'm fine and so are these two kickers." Mamrie placed her hand on her belly. "I'm going to bed. I don't know if you are joining me but I'm tired and need a little nap." Mamrie walked to the bedroom and dropped herself on the bed. She laid her head on her pillow and was out. Rick walked into the room a couple minutes later and Mamrie was peacefully asleep. Rick gave his woman a kiss on her cheek. Mamrie stirred. She opened one of her eyes. "Come lay with me." She sighed. "Please distract me from these awful cramps and help me sleep." Rick laid down on the bed after kissing Mamrie's belly. He hugged her tide and they fell back asleep quickly.

Rick shot awake a couple hours later. Mamrie was sweating and moaning in her sleep and it sounded like she was in pain. He tried to wake her up and noticed a wet spot on the bed. "Mames. Hi Honey wake up." Mamrie woke up slow, still moaning. "Honey, the labor has started. Your water broke and you were moaning and screaming in your sleep." The redhead tried to sit up. Rick helped her, but another contraction knocked her back down. "They are coming really close together." Mamrie puffed. "Rick I feel like I have to push. I'm never making it to the hospital." Rick ran outside the room and came back with the phone, a water bottle and some blankets. He rang 911. 'My wife is in labor with twins. We are at home and she is having strong contractions. She is not going to make it to the hospital... I can stay calm... Okay. Yes, I can do that... Yes... Okay... Hmm...' Rick was pacing in the room. He hung up the phone and walked out of the room again. He unlocked the door and walked back. He sat on the bed. "The ambulance is on its way. You can start pushing when you have a contraction, but slowly." Mamrie nodded. Rick helped Mamrie get comfortable and placed a blanket on the bed. "Let's do this. Relax and take you time." Mamrie closed her eyes and took a deep breath before pushing. She felt everything. It hurt but the relieve came quickly. Her first baby was born in 3 pushes. Rick wrapped him in a blanket and handed him to Mamrie. "It's a boy." She had a big smile on her face. Mamrie felt the next contraction come and came back to the real life. "Take him. I can't push with him in my arms." Mamrie started screaming. Rick took his son and placed the crying baby in the bassinette in the room. Mamrie was pushing and within 5 pushes their second baby was out. "It's another boy." The front door opened. "We are in the bedroom." The paramedics walked into the room. Mamrie was seated on the bed with 2 babies wrapped in blankets. "We are taking you and the babies to the hospital for some checks but everything seems fine. Congratulations with these two..." "Boys." The paramedics helped Mamrie on a stretcher and brought her with the babies to the ambulance.

Grace's phone went off. She pick it up and read the text she received. 'At the hospital. Come when you can.' "Ches I need to go to the hospital. Mamrie just texted me she is at the hospital." "Go. The kids are sleeping. Let me know what happened when you get there." Grace got her phone, wallet and jacket and moved out the door. She texted Hannah that she was picking her up and drove away.

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