This took a turn

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Jack/Quinten/Scarlett (December): 18 years

Maddie/Lily/Rosa (March): 17 years

Riley/Ryan (June): 16 years

Elizabeth (oktober): 6 years old

Marina (August): 5 years old

Isa (Februari): 4 years old

"Mam I'm going. See you tonight." "See you tonight and have fun." "Thanks mom." Jack walked out the door to the car that was waiting in the street. "Hi guys. Ready for today?" "I'm so excited for tonight. Our first real gig is finally here." Scarlett looked at the boys. "And it's even better that we can share it together. If it wasn't for you two I would have never started it." "Scar don't be like that. I don't need your sentimental stuff today. Let's just enjoy it together tonight." Scarlett hugged her brother. "I know you love it." She kissed his cheek.

Scarlett, Jack and Quinten were joined by James, their fourth band member. James was Jack's far cousin. They just jammed out together, did their sound check and waited backstage until they could start the show. Today was a special day for all of them because all of their family and friends were coming to see them play. Some of the brothers and sisters had never seen them play. Elizabeth, Marina and Isa are a little too young but today they were going to be here to see them play. It was a shorter show and on a Friday. "Are you ready for tonight James?" "Yeah! I can't wait to show my parents what I'm passionate about. Show them I'm not a sports boy but an arts boy." "Sounds like a great plan man. We have to go now though. Let's jam out." "Scar and Jack. We have to cheer before we go on." Scarlett and Jack came walking into the room. "Let's cheer and move to the stage." They put their hands together. "Scar and the JJQ to the top. We are the best. We have fun. Let's play some music. Go go go." They high fived. Jack got his bass and James got his guitar before they ran onto the stage. The crowd clapped and cheered.

"Jack we are going home. Isa is ready to go to bed." Jack looked at his dad with Isa peacefully asleep on his shoulder. "Can we stay for a while longer dad?" Lily looked at her dad hopefully. "No girls. Jack got picked up by Scarlett and Quinten. So he can't go home with you two." "But Maddie, Riley and Ryan can stay." Chester looked at Grace. "I'll go and ask what Mamrie said. Wait here." Grace walked away and found Mamrie talking to Hannah and Sarah. Hannah was carrying their 6-year old. "Hi Mames. My ladies told me you kids could stay for a while and walk home together. Is this true?" "Oh hi Grace. I was going to ask you the same thing. They told me the same thing and I thought it was weird. So now I know what you think, these three are coming home with me." "Lily and Rosa are coming home too." Grace walked back and Rosa looked guilty. She wasn't a good liar, like Jack and Lily. "Those two are coming home with us. Mamrie got the same story so her three are coming home too." "Well you heard your mom. Move it ladies." Lily looked mad at her mom. "We're not 6 anymore you know." "I know Lily but you're acting like one so you'll be treated like a 6 year old."

She had not planned this but it happened anyway. After freaking out for days she had to tell somebody. She decided her sister was her best choose. Maybe Rosa could help her tell her parents. Jamie had dumped her as soon as her heard the news. So she had to deal with it alone.

"Rosa can I talk to you?" "What is wrong Lil?" Lily walked to they joined bedroom and sat down on her bed. Rosa closed the door and sat down next to her. Lily moved away from Rosa and pulled her knees up to her chin. "Where did you want to talk about?" Lily looked at her hands. "Do you remember you had to pick me up about 7 weeks ago and I was beat up pretty badly?" "Yeah I remember. What is wrong Lil?" "I told you it was an accident and it was my own fault. That was a lie. I was beat up by Jamie and his two friends because I didn't want to have sex with them." Rosa's mouth fell open but she did say anything. "They beat me until I stopped struggling. My ankles and wrights were bound to something and my clothes were ripped off at some point. I was numb but I felt everything. At one point I passed out from the pain they were causing. I hated myself. Beating myself up inside." Tears started falling down Lily's cheeks. Rosa moved to sit next to her sister and wrapped her arms around her. "When I woke up I was alone. Everybody left after they untied me. I scrambled for my clothes and went home. That's when you found me outside. I felt miserable but I couldn't tell anyone. Not yet anyway. The next day Jamie called and he wanted to talk about the day before. I said yes but just because I was scared he would hurt me again. Jamie talked and I just listened to him yell at me. He made me promise not to tell anyone so I didn't. Until now because I need your help." "Tell me what and I'll do it." "I need DNA samples of Jamie and his friends. I'm pregnant and I want to know whose it is. Since all three of them raped me. And I didn't have sex before or after they raped me." "I'll collect the samples don't worry about that. We'll figure it out together before we think about telling mom and dad." "I need to tell them. I'm 17, still a kid and I can't do anything." "It's not your fault. They should have known better. You are underage. Do you want to go to the police?" "I want to but I think it isn't a smart move. We'll start by telling mom and dad the whole story." "When do you want to do it?" "As quick as possible I think. So tonight after dinner." Rosa nodded and took Lily's hand. "I'll be with you. Do you want to tell Jack too?" "Not yet. He'll go after Jamie and we need to fix this first." Rosa nodded again.

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