A bigger surprise

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"Good morning Sarah. It's time to get up. Our appointment is in 45 minutes." Sarah opened her eyes slowly and looked at Hannah. She pulled Hannah closer and gave her a morning kiss. "Good morning, Han. You are way too happy today." Hannah giggled. "It's the first echo of our miracle. Why shouldn't I be happy? We get to see our child for the first time." Sarah only smiled at her. She sat up and placed her hand on Hannah's stomach. "I can't wait to see you, little one." Hannah placed herself on Sarah, placing sweet kisses on her face. "Me neither."

"You're about 8 weeks pregnant now. Everything looks good." The doctor turned and scanned "By the looks of it you are having twins." Hannah looked at Sarah with big eyes. "Twins?" "OMG! Hannah!" The doctor finished the scan. "I'll give the two some time alone. I'm in my office when you're ready. I have to give you some vitamins and info." Sarah and Hannah nodded and the doctor walked out of the room. "Euhm.. Twins. I can't wait." Hannah started after she pulled her pants back up. "I can't believe we are having twins. A couple weeks ago I was only wishing we would have 1 child. it happened faster than I expected and now I'm pregnant with twins." Sarah was silent. Thinking, thinking about what had just happened. Hannah took her hand. "Are you coming?" Sarah looked at Hannah. Hannah saw how scared Sarah looked. She let go of her hand and pulled her in for a hug. Hannah slowly rubbed Sarah's back. "Everything will be fine, honey." Hannah whispered in Sarah's ear. "Everything will be okay. We'll get through this. It's not the end of the world." Sarah only nodded against Hannah's shoulder. They stayed like that for a little while, before walked to the doctor's office.

"Do we have to move when the twins are here? I like the neighborhood. It's perfect for a kid to grow up in." "No, we can stay here. We can turn my workroom into a nursery and maybe share your room. Yours is a little bit bigger. Or we turn the attic in a working space." Sarah smiled at Hannah. "We'll figure it out. Thanks for earlier. I'm not that nervous anymore. This will be fun." "Yes, it will." They gave each other sweet kisses on the lips, but it didn't last long before Hannah got really turned on by it. Hannah's hand slowly moved under Sarah's shirt, feeling all the little curves. "Hannah, what are you doing?" Hannah looked a little guilty. "Sorry! I'm just so turned on by you. Stupid hormones." Hannah got a blush on her cheeks. Sarah giggled because of Hannah's response. "It's okay, Han. We can move to the bedroom and I will give you some relieve. But only if it's my turn the next time." Sarah giggled because of her own terms. "Deal." Hannah jumped of the couch and ran towards the bedroom. "Hurry." "Oh, you're such a child." Sarah fell in love Hannah again at that moment. Hannah is going to be a great mom. Sarah walked to the bedroom and Hannah was already on the bed. She had fallen asleep. Sarah laid next to her and they snuggled for a while.

"Mames, is everything ready for today?" Mamrie thought about that. "Yes. Everything is ready for today." "Okay, it's time for me to leave. Have a nice day with your girls, but don't forget about your loving husband." Rick gave her a kiss on the cheek. "I will never forget you. And you have a kickass day with the boys. Please come back without broken bones." Mamrie smiled weakly. "I will, honey. I always will." They said their goodbyes and Mamrie took place on the couch. The girls could be here any minute. She turned on the TV, watched some ridiculous television series and checked her phone almost every minute for new messages. Nothing came, so she gave up and went to get dressed before the girls would be there.

Grace arrived only a couple minutes after Hannah and Sarah arrived. "Let's get this party started, girls." Mamrie yelled when Grace walked into the room. "Wow, tiger. Relax." Hannah giggled. Grace sat down on the couch. "Mamrie, what did you have in mind?" Hannah started. Sarah took Hannah's hand and whispered something in her ear. Hannah shook her head and whispered something back. Sarah nodded. "Am I going to regret inviting both of you?" Mamrie asked acting mad. Sarah and Hannah both shook their head. "Okay fine. Let's start all the fun activities." Mamrie stood and walked out of the room. Minutes later she came back from the kitchen with 4 drinks, 2 alcoholic and 2 non-alcoholic.

"Mames, this was the most fun I had in years. And Grace and I both know you had to change all your plans for today because of us. So we decided to give you this." Grace got an envelope out of her purse and gave it to Mamrie. Mamrie opened it and her mouth fell open. "Are you guys serious about this?" Grace and Hannah nodded with a bit smile on their faces. "Sarah and Chester agreed with us." "I can't believe you are actually giving me a 2 day trip with hotel to do with my fiancée. You girls are too sweet." Mamrie hugged her girls and sat back on the couch. "Before we leave. Sarah and I have something to tell you all. Do you want to do it?" Sarah shook her head. Hannah smiled. "Okay, well.. I'm having twins." Grace mouth fell open. "OMG! Hannah! Really?!"

"Hannah, you have to wait with buying stuff until we know what we are having. You are barely 10 weeks pregnant and you're already a monster." Hannah looked a little hurt. "I'm not a monster, I'm just overly excited for our babies. I only want to look. I promise I will not buy anything until we know what we are having, okay?" Sarah nodded. "I secretly wish we will be having 2 boys. Because of the all-girl house or only 1 boy in the house." Hannah had to think about for a moment. "I don't know what I want. I only had sisters and never really liked boys." Hannah giggled. "So I guess I would want 2 girls." "Han, I can't wait! Let's go and look at stuff in the mall." Hannah smiled and gave Sarah a kiss on the lips. "We are going to be awesome parents." She took Sarah's hand they walked out of the house together.

"Second echo today at 10am. Do you want to drive together, Grace?" "If you don't mind taking me. Yes, let's go together." Chester kissed Grace on her forehead. "Grace, you are carrying my baby, you have faced some fears and you have only beat me twice in the process. Why wouldn't I want to take you with me?" Grace shrugs. "I don't know. I'm just nervous. It didn't start well with the pregnancy and now.. I don't know, okay." "It's okay, Grace. I understand completely. It has been a roller-coaster ride the last couple weeks, but everything is okay now. You're eating a lot more and throwing up less." Grace nodded. "You're right. I'm feeling a lot better. Let's go. I want to see our little nugget." Grace smiled her biggest smile.

"Everything looks good. Strong heartbeat and it is growing good." Chester smiled from ear to ear. Chester placed a kiss on Grace's cheek. "I just can't believe it yet. There is really another person growing inside of me." Grace was nervous again. Chester grabbed her hand. "Grace, everything will be okay. Nothing is wrong. You're both healthy." Grace only nodded. She was still nervous. "You can come of the table now. I have some more vitamins for you and you guys can come back in a month." Chester helped Grace of the table. They walked hand-in-hand. She got the vitamins and shook his hand. "Ms. Helbig, you don't have to be nervous. Your baby is fine and you are healthy. Yes, your start wasn't ideal, but you are doing really well now." Grace smiled and whispered: "Thank you." Chester shook his hand and they both walked out of the door. Grace was looking at the pictures of their child. She had a little smile on her face. I'm warming up to this kid. I'm not going to tell Chester yet, I need the extra attention.

"We will be married in less than a month. The time is going way to quick." Mamrie nodded. "It is, honey. And we still have to do so many things. Next week I'm going to do the bridesmaid dresses. Grace and Hannah will only grow bigger in the next weeks, so I will have to change my first one to a loose fitting one." Rick kissed her forehead. "You are an amazing friend. They will appreciate it."

"Hi Grace since you are caring my child and wehave to go to the hospital every month for a check-up together. Isn't it a goodidea to move in together. You practically already live in my apartment, so notmuch would change." Tears formed in Grace's eyes. They streamed down her cheeksas she nodded. "Yes of course Chester. And you are right. I practically alreadylive here." She smiled brightly.

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