It has started

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"Hannah, go sit down. You're 34,5 weeks pregnant with twins and you have been busy the whole day today. I'll cook tonight." "Sarah, I like to cook. It relaxes me after a stressful day, like today." Sarah shook her head. "Not today. Go sit on the couch and watch some TV. I'll call you when it is ready." Hannah looked a little sad. "And now I can't even look at my beautiful wife cook dinner for me." Hannah walked to a barstool and sat down. "Cook away. I'll just watch you." Sarah looked at her. "Only if you keep your mouth shut the whole time. No complains, instructions or tips." Hannah nodded and Sarah started pulling things out of the fridge to cook. Within 30 minutes dinner was served. Sarah placed a plate in front of Hannah and they started eating. "Sarah, I've to tell you that you cooked amazing. I couldn't have done a better job and thanks for looking out for me. I just want to do so much with all this new energy I have." Sarah smiled. "Han that is where I'm here for. Looking out for you and cuddling you as much as I can." Sarah jumped up and planted herself next to Hannah wrapping her arms around her body, placing one hand on her belly. "They're getting really big in there. Are you nervous?" Hannah nods. "Are you?" Sarah looks at Hannah. "I am. We don't know how this is going to go and that makes me extra nervous. Also we have 2 tiny things to take care of in a couple weeks." Hannah smiles. "We'll be awesome. And Grace and Chester will be doing it at the same time, so we are not alone." "Maybe you are right. Let's just enjoy each other before these 2 are here." One of the two kicking Sarah's hand right at that moment. "Somebody is protesting, I guess." Hannah and Sarah laughed and got up to go to their bedroom.

"I still can't believe you are both pregnant and already about the poop these little humans out in a couple weeks. The time has passed so fast." Grace smiled at her friends. "I can't believe it either. Next to the fact that I only freaked out about all of this, like 3 times." "We are really proud of you, Gracie. You'll be an amazing mother. That boy will be one of the luckiest boys in the world with great parents and amazing aunts." Grace giggled. "So are you little boy and girl. Those must have beautiful blue eyes and blond hair. Both lucky and beautiful." Grace looked at Mamrie. "When is you ginger-kid coming to join these 3?" Mamrie looked shocked at Grace. "Don't worry, Mames. I appreciate you waiting after your wedding so you could help us, when we needed you." Mamrie released the breath she was holding. "Thanks, Grace. I just thought it wasn't a smart idea. It would be fun, but not a smart idea." Mamrie smiled at her friends and hugged them tight. "It would have been fun. But a little more distance is fine too."

"Chester, I don't want you to go. I'm 38 weeks pregnant. He can come out any minute." Chester kisses Grace on her forehead. "I'll be back in 2 days. It's only 2 days, Gracie. You'll survive without me and if it starts when I'm away. I'll be in town in 2 hours. I'm only 2 hours away." Grace smiled a little. "I'm just really nervous about the birth. The pregnancy was a breeze, but I hate hospitals and I have read all these horrible stories about childbirth." Chester sat next to Grace. He took her hands and turn to look her in the eyes. "Nothing will happen when I'm away. And nothing will happen when our little boy is born. You are healthy and strong and so is he. Everything will be fine, I promise." Grace placed her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and they just sat for a couple minutes. "Grace, we have to get to bed. I've to get up in 5 hours and I would love to sleep in our bed instead of on the couch. Grace sighed and opened her eyes. She looked at Chester. "I still don't want you to leave, but I'll try to stop talking about it. And we go to bed so you wouldn't be so tired tomorrow." Chester smiles at Grace. "I would really like that. I feel bad enough I've to leave." They both stood and walked up the stairs.

Chester's phone rang as soon as he stepped into his hotel room. He closed the door behind him and let himself fall on the bed before he answered. 'Hi Grace.' 'Yes, I'm in my hotel room.' 'The trip was okay. Not too much to complain about.' Chester smiles because of the silliness that is Grace Helbig. Nervous about everything, but still so sweet and nice. 'Honey, don't worry so much. It will be okay. I'll be back before you know it.' 'Now go to sleep. You need it.' 'Goodnight Grace.' He placed his phone on the nightstand and closed his eyes. He was exhausted because of the drop in sleep the least nights. Grace couldn't get combatable and when she finally fell asleep she would be tossing and turning all night.

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