Chapter Twenty-Nine- Selfishness

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5:10 a.m. was when my alarm clock rang. That was the symbol that the day I was not prepared for.

The day of annihilation.

Four left my place early so that he wasn't caught out of his apartment. It could have possibly lead the leaders who were up on the floor to think he was a Divergent, so he decided that instead of being hunted down within the compound, he would wait until after the plan had commenced.

So, it started out with me doing my daily routine: shower, get dressed, etc... Lucas wasn't going to be here due to being on a mission with one of the other Special Ops members, Seersha. Her partner was shot in the leg while on a mission with her, and was not able to pursue any other mission for the next couple months. Due to that my father drafted him back into the Special Ops in order to replace her partner for short-term.

I was alone. Four and Lucas were gone, my father was with Jeanine at the base in Abnegation, and Eric was not on my side whatsoever.

Eric. The man I thought I liked and could've come to love. That wasn't going to happen in light years. He was really the cruel, malicious man that I had first met. It broke my heart a bit, knowing that there was no way I could love a man who accepted the blood of innocent people on his hands. Hypocritical of me to say, but at least the people I killed were criminals and needed to be taken out of this world.

I strolled down to the Pit, seeing endless lines of Dauntless members who were stone faced, oblivious to what was happening around them. Brainwashed. As I continued my stroll, I noticed Christina and her cold, tan complexion. Her eyes were dull, holding no life in them, her mouth pressed into a straight line. Her conscious was gone and replaced with whatever chemical took over her.

But so was everyone else. The initiates, men, women....all of them. They were just stone-faced. They looked like walking cadavers.

"Adelaide!" I heard someone say my name.

I continued forward to see Max waving me over, a firm smirk plastered on his face. When I got close enough, held out a gun for me to carry.

"For you," he said, motioning to the gun.

I gracefully took the gun and slipped it into my belt holster.

"Impressed?" he asked, looking around at the braindead members of Dauntless.

I nodded, "Thoroughly. Whatever their using is definitely taking effect."

He leaned toward me and whispered in my ear, "Eric's been looking for you. I think he has something to say."

I sighed and nodded my head.
"That doesn't seem good."

"I'm not really interested in him at the moment."

"Because of this?"

I nodded silently.

He sighed, "You know, what I said was true. And if you think that you can't like him because of all the blood that is going to be shed, keep in mind that it will be on you too. Both of you are equal in this situation, so don't say you're the good guy in this scenario, because all of the deaths are going to trace back to the team that started it. And it involves you."

He walked away silently, leaving me to ponder the truth. He was right. At this point, I couldn't say that I was better than him or was more innocent, because from now on, whatever blood gets shed is traced back to me no matter what.

I looked around, trying to find the familiar blond-haired fellow, only to see him chatting it up with Lauren. I sighed and walked towards them, only to see Eric smile almost malevolently at me and to leave Lauren standing alone, not even sparing her a glance.

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