~ Chapter 20 ~

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The harper girl and Blake have been talking nonstop for the past five minutes ignoring me in the process and my mood has been dropping even more. I don’t understand what´s happening with me I feel about to snap at anyone all of the sudden, surely it´s just because they are ignoring me right?

I slumped in my chair and continued watching the movie but their laughter was interrupting my consentration and making impossible to hear a thing.

“Blake I´m going, have fun in the rest of your afternoon” I said annoyed standing up from my chair attempting to reach the door. Blake was about to reply something but harper beat him to it

“Oh, I´m so sorry I didn’t notice you before, I use to do that with people; you know like the times you have to give all your concentration to only one person cause if you notice someone else you just lose focus? Or maybe that’s just me? Anyway I´m Harper, sorry for not introducing myself earlier” She said stepping in front and involving me in a hug, I wasn´t sure on what to do so I just stood there awkwardly with my arms hanging by my side.

“Umm.. I´m Carrie, nice to meet you”

Harper was removed by Blake who took her by her shoulders giving me an apologetic look “Sorry about her, she gets a little too friendly when she meets knew people”

“It´s not called being too friendly it´s called being nice, something you should try to do more often. In fact if you greeted people with a hug I´m sure they would become your friends hundredth times faster” harper reprehended Blake.

Blake laughed “Sure heart” Heart? Does this means they are together or something? Why do I feel like someone just dropped a sack of rocks at the pit of my stomach?

She just shrugged her arms and turned to me once more. “Anyway, why are you leaving? I can see that you were watching the movie before I so rudely interrupted it, which I´m truly sorry for, In fact you should totally stay for a movie marathon. We could go through best movies from A to Z, although now that I think about it I don´t know any good movies that start with Z…” She had a thoughtful expression on her face; I guess she was thinking about a movie with the letter Z. Even if I didn’t want to I had to admit Harper was pretty nice and friendly making her almost un-hateful.

I forced a smile unto my lips “No, it´s fine, my mom is waiting for me and I should really get going, plus it seems like you have a lot of catch up to do”

“None sense, I can talk to Blake anytime. You should totally stay here a while more” She said in a happy tone.

Yeah so I can see you two completely ignoring me again, I thought grimly “thank you for the invitation, but I should probably get going before it gets dark. But it really was nice to meet you” I said giving her my friendliest smile before heading for the door, but apparently she wouldn´t give up because she stood in the middle of the door blocking my way.

"Hey, I just got here and know no one apart from Blake, Please stay? I´m sure we’ll have a lot of fun. If you stay I promise you can choose what to do next and what to eat!" Harper said to me giving me a sad smile. Even though I wanted to leave and have nothing to do with both of them, she was so friendly and kind I couldn´t deny.

"Fine, but just a few hours more" I said sighting

"Yay! This is going to be so much fun!" She said jumping from side to side, and I couldn´t help but laugh with her, she was like a little kid on an amusement park.

We decided to get pizza, it was simple, fast and one of my favorite foods. Blake and Harper continued laughing about past memories, and even though they tried to include me by explaining them to me, I continued feeling like an outsider. They seemed to have shared so much together and I´ve never seen Blake so friendly and talkative to anyone before, sure he is popular and has thousands of 'friends' but the conversations were never about important things, with harper he seemed different, happier.

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