~ Chapter 39 ~

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Hey guys so one more chapter left and the story will be done. I want to thank to all of you who have supported my story once again. Please enjoy, vote and comment :) thanks...... and love you all. <3 ( I have no idea how to make a heart in here so this will have to do)

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ (I wanted to give you the surprise of this chapter so there might be many mistakes I will be correcting this week)

Once I heard that complete and utter happiness only happens counted times on life and normally they come from first´s, Like when you discover you´ve been accepted to your dream university, or when you receive your first kiss, flying on an airplane for the first time, marrying the person you love, or simply getting your first chocolate scoop, the situation may happen more than once but the feeling you get at the ´first´ never repeats.

They say that when you have that feeling you should hold on tight, enjoying every second of it, because live only throws those situations once, and you´re never getting them back, I know they say always look forward and never back, but memories like these are the ones that make us who we are and the worthy looking back for, like when you find an old photograph of you covered with sand at your first trip to the beach. These memories are meant to place a smile on our face each time we remember them.

And that exact feeling of ecstasy is the one I have during the whole play, don´t ask me how it went, how many people attended or if we reached every ones expectances of us because in all honesty I can´t remember any of those. All I could remember was the feeling of fulfillment and happiness that brought my kiss with Blake. It was sweet and caring, slow but demanding, short but meaningful just like a first kiss with someone.

The moment Blake´s lips touched mine, my mind went on a frenzy of emotions there were so many thoughts going around that I felt blank not managing to grasp any of them. I have no idea if the kiss lasted a second, or ten minutes all I know is that my stomach exploded with butterflies and my heart was about to leave my chest. I had no idea what he pretended with the kiss, but the only thing that I grasped completely is that I had utterly and irrevocably fallen for Blake.

After we broke up the kiss, Blake turned around without another word leaving me speechless and shocked at the same time, which was both good and bad. Good because I had no idea what to say, I wasn´t even sure I was capable of uttering words in that moment, and bad because he left me without a further explanation, and possibly even more confused than before.

Was it possible that the kiss meant that he liked me as much as I did or he was just trying to be nice and avoid the stage fright I was destined to have the moment of the kiss?

“Carrie, are you there, you´re kind of freaking me out right now” I herd Jake’s voice saying bringing me out of my internal battle

“Sorry, what?” I asked him sheepishly knowing he had been talking for at least ten minutes straight now.

“You´ve been standing there smiling like a Cheshire cat the last five minutes while doing really weird facial expressions” He said smiling intuitively “ I think you should start talking about what´s going on.

“Now” My best friend Liz said from the back of Jake´s car “We can kick him out if you want to, but is time you spill what happened before the play”

“Your intelligence surprises me each time dear Elizabeth” Jake said rolling his eyes “But you should know you can´t kick out the driver, if anything you always kick the ones on the back sit”

“Whatever” Liz said with a glare, but even I could tell it was only halfhearted.

I hadn´t really said or asked anything about their relationship, but I knew something had changed, sure they would still want to have each other´s throats like cats and dogs, but at least they were talking and even if I acted like I never noticed anything there were small behaviors between them that got me slightly suspicious like one time when Liz accidentally spilled her water bottle all over Jake’s shirt and instead or being greeted by the banter I expected, Jake offer to buy her a new bottle and Liz actually asked for forgiveness. I know it´s sounds stupid, but now that I finally get to see them interact with each other you had to be blind not to notice the changes.

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