Chapter Five: Princess princess thats all I hear

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Bah! (Insider) 🎀

Good chapters coming up✨



Chapter Five.

I was about to throw the cd in the backseat but he caught it. Stupid football player problems. He examined it and couldn't stop grinning. Please stop lord just shoot me now he knows I like him oh lord this is mess.

"I never knew someone..cared about me." he says smiling.

"I do you're my best friend." I say punching his shoulder.

"If it makes you feel any better I have one for you too....I just can't tell you the song." he says.

There was an awkward silence and then he started up the car. "Let's go!" He says pulling out the drive way. He drives down the road and a few blocks away. The mall that's where he was going I could tell. "Okay princess." he says parking the car in the Macy's driveway.

"After you my Princess." he says opening the door and bowing.

I chuckled and hopped out the car. We walk into the doors of Macy's and then we get into the mall he drags me into a store but, I got in so fast I didn't even see the name.

"I'm gonna make you one." he says pointing to the bears. Build-A-Bear Workshop that's where we were.

"Aw thanks." I say.

"Now wait outside and I'll give it to you."

I waited for thirty minuets or so and then he came out with a hot pink bear with sunglasses. "Only squeeze the bear when you miss me." he says.

"Um okay." I say hugging the bear. It was so cute.

"Let's go will be late!" He says.

"For what?" I say.

"The sunset." He smiled.

He drags me back to the car and he started driving again. It was such a long drive I fell asleep that bear sure was comfortable.

"Princess Wakey wakey." he says shaking my arm lightly.

"Where are we?" I say sitting my chair up.

"We'll it took me two hours to get here so....I thought it be a great place to watch the sunset." he says.

He helps me out the car and I look around we were on a beach but no one was here it looked like no one lived around here. I looked near the shore and there was a picnic basket and a cradle n top of a blanket. It was a bit chilly out.

"Princess you cold?" He says helping me out the car.

"Yeah." I say. All of a sudden I felt warm arms wrap around me with a blanket too.

"I'll keep you warm." Hah, like that one macklemore song.

We sit down and I sat on his lap.

All I could think of was hell yeah! We giggled and I fed him popcorn and we threw grapes in the air catching them in our moths like animals. He brought out some cake and singed happy birthday horribly to me it was tiny but it still meant a lot. After we were done eating We ran up and down the beach until he stopped me.

"What?" I say out of breath.

"The sunset!" He says sitting down. "Come here" he wrapped the blanket around me and I layer my head on his shoulder. So close yet so far.

"I-I love you." he smiles.

Your kidding.


Please help.

I need an ambulance.

I'm gonna cry.

"I love you too." I couldn't stop smirking he just said he loved me....but in what way? Please be the way I want it to be.

Eventually we pack everything in the car and it starts to rain. We get halfway down my street and the car runs out of gas.

"It's raining!" I say opening my door.

"Your house is pretty close right?" He says.

"Yeah but it's stormy" I say frowning.

"I'm sorry." he says. I grab my bear and start walking towards my house I thought he would follow Instead of trying to walk to his house.

"You coming?" I say. "I gotta get home princess." he says.

"You gonna leave me all alone in the rain?" I say. He ran back to me and hugged me like a mama bear. "Night princess."

"Bye." I frown. I squeezed the bear as tight as I could and then a song started playing

"And so I'm sailing through the sea to and island where will meet you'll hear the music fill the air ill put a flower in your hair." Lucky. Omg. He. Has. To. Like. Me. He turned around surprised.

"I miss you already." I say.

"I missed you when you got out that car." he says smiling. I'm in love lord I'm in love. This was one of my favorite days.

Best birthday ever.

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