Chapter Ten: Back to december

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I gooo back to December ALLL the timmeeeee❤

So freaking sad bro😚😩

No (bah!) insider cause this chapter is really sad😩😓😅

Enjoy...please don't hate me😳😁😢


I rushed though the halls of the hospital looking for room 212 on the second floor like the woman had told me. I needed to see him I needed to know the love of my life was okay. I wandered farther down the hall and I spotted the door. I paused before opening because I didn't know what to face before walking in. I exhaled and opened the door I was greeted by joyous sounds of laughter coming from Mrs. Tyler and his brother Max. "Chrissy!" I said hugging him. Ugh his scent it sent tingles through my body I just wanted to crash my lips onto his but I still felt uncomfortable around his mother. I was so happy I started to cry.

"Kaylee don't cry" he said with an inviting smile.

"I'm just so happy" I exclaimed.

"I'll leave you two alone" his mother said suggestively. He shot her a confused look than focused back to me.

"Okay after this we are so having our movie night" I said happily smiling at him.

"Movie night?" He said. I just smiled at him like he was ridiculous.

"Every freaking Friday duh!" I said.

"Sorry...I thought Friday was me and Ashlyn's Date night I must have forgot. By the way where is Ma' Lady?" He said scanning the room.

Heart. Plummet.

Hot tears streamed my face as I looked down how can he forget us. It was just starting to work out and now he's forgotten.

"Kaylee what's wrong?" He said looking concern.

"What month is it?"

"Kaylee tell me what's wrong?" He said ignoring my question.

"Chris. What fucking month is it!?" I demanded.

"Sheesh...December why?" He said.

"'s September, seventeenth 2013"

"No it's December second 2012" he said giggling.

I showed him my phone. I showed him his phone. I clicked on the news. I opened the blinds. No snow. He just sat there shocked.

"Kaylee! Only thing I remember is going home from ice skating with you! And everything in my love before what's going on!?" He said.

"Yup.." I said simply.

A rush of tears fell from my eyes and I just fell on the ground and cried. The best thing that has ever happened to me is now gone. Just like that.

"Kaylee please don't cry.." He said rubbing my back.

"WHY WOULD YOU CARE?" I exploded.

"Cause you're my best-friend"


"Kaylee what did I forget that was so important?" He said. He sat up and gave me a curious look to why I looked so 'broken' my mascara every where lipgloss on my ear. This reminds me of a Time when he saw me in the shower with no bra on looking like a flopping angel in his tee shirt. But he'll never remember. He won't even remember our first kiss. When I admitted my feelings to him. Cause that took SO MUCH courage. But when thing he will NEVER remember is loving me.

Kissing me. Being my boyfriend. Loving me back the way I wished for him to for eight years straight and when it finally happens poof! He forgets.

"Us" I said simply. He looked at me and made a what? Face and I shook my head. "You'll never remember...I just know it" I said. With that I stormed out. He called my name several times and I remembered. He can't even remember the first time he called me princess. Or when I started calling him Chrissy no wonder he gave me a weird look when I did.


<Chris's point of view>


I didn't understand I wanted her to stay badly. I don't know why but anytime she spoke my heart skipped a few beats. And when she hugged me I stopped breathing. I knew this feeling I just didn't know what it was. I checked my phone maybe I would find some info about us. I looked through my text messages and my most recent ones were from a contact named 'Princess😍😘❤' I'm guessing Ashlyn. The conversation read.

Me: goodnight, I love you❤

Princess: I love you more mwah💕

Me: when can I see you baby?

Princess: how about you pick up some food tomorrow after school for our movie night? Then you can sleep over my moms fine with it

Me: okay I'll let my princess get some sleep😘

Princess: aw.. Chrissy well ill see you tomorrows remember your taking me to school better be on time fag bag😂 love ya goodnight 😉

Me: kk love you too☺ Stop calling me fag u...u...fag!

Princess: if anyone's a fag it's you and stop waking me up!😳

Me: Night bebe😄

End of conversation.

Chrissy? Kaylee called me Chrissy. Does everyone do that? Hmm... I looked at the call button all I had to do was find out who 'Princess' was then I'd know what was up with Kaylee and even who my girlfriend is I need to be sure. So I pressed call.

Dial. Dial. Beep. "Hi you have reached Kaylee and Chrisssssssss shut up! I can't get to the phone leave a message bye!" No way. No way Jose. I was in her voice mail and everything. I'm dating my best friend. But.... I don't even like her like that. God I must have hurt her badly.

Damn I messed up.



WOO! You like hate me don't you? 😩😛

I'm updating again today😜

So prepare yourself😩

So sad👐

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