Chapter Twenty-Nine: Gone

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Thanks for all the reads guys No A/N.


"Justin you have a visitor," My doctor said gesturing to the door.

"I'm tired." I said rolling over in my bed. I felt so weak. It was a struggle just to turn over.

"It's her."

I sat up really quickly and it made my head spin, so I leaned back slowly. I watched the room spin and I closed my eyes. "I'm gonna p-puke." I said loudly. My doctor handed me my pink bucket and watched me pathetically throw up my own blood. He handed me a wet cloth to wipe my mouth.

I got up and took a shower and got dressed. Which took forever.

I readjusted my beanie and coughed. "Let her in."

"Justin, I don't think you should go any where today."

"But I want to."

"Justin, with your condition of NSC it could be deadly, it's way too cold outside you need to stay in warm places Justin."

"But, I could die any moment. I want to live my life to the fullest."

"Justin, people with your condition live way past there forties, it was just an educated guess of how long y-"

"I don't care, it's fine just let her in." I said firmly.

"As you wish."

He opened the door for Kaylee then left out. She was wearing pink leggings and white top, she got highlights in her hair I could tell because it looked more blonde. She looked so beautiful, words couldn't describe.

"Hey" I said quietly. She smiled and leaned in real close and kissed me on my cheek.

"Hi." she breathed.

"I was thinking we could go ice skating!"

So much for warm places.

"I don't know how.." I trailed.

"I'll teach you!"

"You know how to ice skate?"

"Yeah when I was in the third grade me and......" She paused. "I think I know how."

"No! You just remembered something!"

"No, I didn't."

"You did!"

"I didn't..."

"Whatever, Kaylee."

"Don't be mad at me."

"I'm not, I just wanted you to remember. Ugh now I feel like you four months ago! You were all like 'Chrissy what did you remember? Lala I love you.'" I said rolling my eyes.

"Hey! That's not true!"

"You would only know it wasn't true if you didn't remember." I said smirking.

"No! I just know I didn't act like that.." She trailed looking guilty.


"You sure you're okay?" She said helping me up from the ice.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy that's all."

"Well..skating in a small circle for a while you kinda do get dizzy sometimes." she said linking hands with me.

I blushed. "Okay, I think I can make this turn with out falling like an idiot."

"You did it!" She said excitedly kissing me on the cheek.

Oh the things I'd do for her to like me. Like last month we went shopping, most boring thing ever but I still pretended to have so much fun holding her stuff and telling her if she looked good in a dress. When they all looked the same!

"Can we take a break?" I said breathlessly.


We skated to the benches and sat down. "I'll go get up something to drink." she said undoing her skates. Then I undid mine too.

"Why don't we go get some lunch, my treat." I said.

"Okay, I'll return our skates just put your coat on and stuff."

"Okay, I'll be in the car."

I walked through the cold snow and let it crunch beneath my shoes. Being outside felt weird but overwhelming. I felt dizzy so I said down in the drivers seat and waited for Kaylee I just couldn't seem to catch my breath.

I was sweating so bad so I took off my coat but it just made it worse making me feel nauseous.

"I'm back." she said getting in the car. I just looked at her in response I was so weak I could barley move. "It was too many people there and I just wanted to..."

"Wha?" I croaked. My throat burned and I could barley catch my breath I felt so weird.

She sat on my lap making me wince in pain but she didn't see. I was trying to tell her to get off but I couldn't catch my breath.

She smashed lips onto mine making me even more breathless. I couldn't breathe I couldn't breathe!

"Kaylee I can't. I can't. I c-" she cut me off by smashing he lips onto mine again. I shook my head no like a million times until I couldn't feel anything any more. I gasped in the thick air one more time.

"I love you.." I croaked.

Then my heart stopped.


~Kaylee's Pov~


"Justin?" I said shaking him.


"Justin don't play around with me!" I said tears escaping my eyes.

I out my hand on his chest but his heart stopped beating. He wasn't breathing. He was trying to tell me he couldn't breathe!

"No no no no no oh god no!" I yelled crying in pain. "No!" I quickly put the car in drive and raced toward the hospital.


"H-He's Not breathing and h-he won't w-wake up." I exclaimed.

"Kaylee! I understand doctor Morrison is trying as hard he can." Chris said holding onto me.

"He won't wake up." I said tears soaking my shirt. "H-he won't."

"Shh. Kaylee, I know." he said rubbing my back protectively.

"Mm stop." one of the doctors said to doctor Morrison who's been giving him CPR for almost twenty minutes.

"No! I'm not giving up on him!" Doctor Morrison yelled. He was then crying too.

"Please go back in the waiting room miss." a man said.


"Please have someone remove her."

Four men grabbed me by my arms and dragged me out. "No! N-No!"


I waited patiently in the waiting room clutching onto Chris.

It's all my fault.

This is all my fault.

A man cam out shortly after.

"I'm sorry." he replied.


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