Chapter Thirty: I Win.

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Hey guys! So I thought I should tell everyone that I am so, so sorry for that terrifying cliff hanger like woah.

But, please do me a favor and comment, vote, and fan! Please tell your friends and family about my story because my ultimate goal is 45k and I'm really far from that lol. Well your cliffhanger answered.

And please this is just a little side note. There is sexual content in this chapter but I'm not a gross so it's not going to be disgusting. And its not just because i wanted this to happen this has to happen for the plot wont be descriptive.

It's a love story okay? So don't judge me.

Thanks lovelies😘



One of doctor Morrison's Helpers shortly came out smiling a sad smile. He sighed then looked at me.

"I'm sorry-"

"No! please! I-I C-can't Your lying to me!" I yelled. "This is a dream! This is a dream!" I said getting up wiping my tears. "See I can hold my breath and ill wake up and I won't d-die see?" I said holding my breath.

They all looked at me in horror. "Kaylee. Breathe." Chris whispered pushing me against the wall tears streaming down his face. I never would have know he would cry if Justin died, considering that he's the only thing in his way from having me all to himself.

I could see the hurt in his eyes and just shook my head no. "Kaylee, you breathe."

I could feel my heart slowing down. "If this isn't a dream and I die, I wouldn't care because I rather have all air be non existent than live another day without him."

I held my breath for almost a minute more. My eyes started to get heavier. "Kaylee! You breathe! Breathe! Please! Please Kaylee! Please I-I lo-"

Then I blacked out.

~Narrator Pov~

Justin's body was still as doctor Morrison still pressed and repeated trying his best to bring him to life. He tried almost everything. "I'm going to give them the news" Doctor Morrison's helper said fleeing the room. Doctor Morrison was to focused to even hear what he said.

He did CPR one last time. He heard screaming outside of the room an stride harder, feeling horrible for the loss of such a great person. He pressed harder and harder.

"We got a pulse!" Doctor Morrison shouted to the top of his lungs.

~Justin's Pov~

"Run away with me." Kaylee whispered pulling me close.

"H-how did I get here." I said looking around. I was in a beautiful garden roses everywhere birds chirping.

"I took you here."

"W-wait am I d-dead?"

She pressed her lips against mine and it felt almost unreal. Then I knew. Me and her is my heaven.

"Run away with me"

"I c-can't." I said.

"Why not?" She said blushing. Before I could respond she pressed her lips to my neck and whispered. "Marry me."

I miss you.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang