Bonus Chapter.

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A/N: Hello people! I'm sorry, just to keep you guys occupied until the sequel I decided to do this bonus chapter! It's just a whole day in the life of "Justin, the schools 'Bad Boy'." The sequel is coming in July! And todays my birthday! woop! woop! so everyone be patient and message me if you have any questions of concerns, thanks for everything. Mwah.

If your a little confused as to when they met just go read the chapter 'Meow Im A Cat' that's when they first met. Thanks again!


Lets go back to Spanish class jr year, September fourth.

The first day Justin met Kaylee.

Justin's Point of View.

When I woke up I groaned trying to turn off my alarm clock. I got up and took some of my medication, I could barley breathe. When I went into my kitchen I did I breathing treatment and brushed my teeth.

It's sad in this apartment, so much room. No one to share it with, no one to care. Maybe I will die alone, I've been wishing for the longest time for someone to fall in love with me. But this could never happen, so this year will be just like any other year.

Wasteful. I put on a black Ramones T-Shirt and some dark jeans. I ran my fingers through my hair trying to make it look the slightest bit presentable. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and took one last glance at my empty apartment.

My life is such a failure.


So I walked the long way to school, I liked looking at the trees and the sky, mostly the sun. It was so beautiful out here.

I opened the front door to the school and slipped my black shades on. "He's so hot.." Some girls whispered. I winked at them and they gushed.

I never thought I'd be so desperate to fall in love, everyone's doing it. I wanted to hit something, I want someone to genuinely fall in love with me, the real me. Not some bad boy. I am not bad, I'm anything but.

Maybe I should just light one cigarette and watch my self choke and die. Too harsh. I looked at my schedule, my first hour was Spanish. Why the hell do I have Spanish? I didn't sign up for this stupid class.

I opened the door of the classroom and there they were again, the stares. The stares of fear, or admiration. Some girls in complete awe.

I just want to fall in love, I'm so alone in this world. No one would care if I just up and died. I slipped in my headphones and listened to some heavy rock music until my music was interrupted by a beautiful girl running in late for class. She was wearing shorts and a blue shirt. And heels, she stood out. And she was confident the way she smiled.

She tripped on a binder but caught herself, instead of being embarrassed she laughed and approached the teacher. "I am so sorry, I couldn't find the class." She smiled.

The teacher nodded. "Hm. And who might you be?"

"I'm Kaylee Marshall-Ashton, and who might you be?" She smiled shaking her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2016 ⏰

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