Chapter Six: The party I'll never forget

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Hey maiya! Lol👐👅👍

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Bah! (Insider) 😛

Peace, love, stay out of prision😂



I wake up to the sound of my extremely overplayed ringtone 'I love it' by Icona Pop. Not even caring to look at the number I groggily pressed answer. "What?" I say rolling on my back.

"Dang did I wake my princess?" Chris says. He sounded weird like he was running from the cops or...he just got hit in the foot with a brick...or my makeup bag same difference.

"No! Um...why you did you call me?"

"Cause Im on my way to your house silly." he says.

"Oh my god! ok brb see you soon!"

No way...I looked in the mirror and I looked like a 'ooooooooo barracuda'. I jump into the shower and quickly wash up. I get out and pick some short blue jean shorts and a pink 'kiss me' shirt. Hehe insider. Pink pumps yeah a pump kind of day not not really I just wanted him to notice me..yeah right. I put my makeup on and I smiled cause I looked great. For the first time my hair actually wanted to cooperate with me. Then the door bell rang.

"Crap!" I yell running down the steps. Well, actually falling down every single step. My hair got caught in my lip gloss so I had a pink stand of hair and I really didn't have time to fix it.

"Hey." I say opening the door quickly.

"Hey princess." he says. I looked away for a moment and I saw him checking me out in the corner of my eye. Score! He actually was looking at my stomach when I looked back at him.

"Eyes up here." I say giggling. Now I know he's weakness. Hotness.

"Um...I-" he says scratching his head.

"Come inside."

I say grabbing his hand. Which happened to be extremely sweaty. He sits on my couch like a new comer. "Nervous much?" I say. Usually I'm the nervous one.

"I'm gonna be honest." I shake my head and he runs his fingers through his hair nervously in search of words. "You look intimidating like....I shouldn't look beautiful." he says stuttering.

Make my day much? "Thanks Chrissy." I say plopping down next to him.


"What we gonna do today?" I say.

"We'll there's my friends little sisters birthday that's in middle school...she has lots of friends because she's 'wild' but....we're kinda gonna be chaperones if you don't mind.." He says.

"Oh I don't mind!" I say giggling. Seriously we're gonna be babysit some dumb little eighth graders. Not what I had in mind having to deal with all there little hormones and crushes. Ugh this is going to be a long day.

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Time passing ----


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We arrive in the drive way of a big bright green house. Damn this girl must have slots of friends..and boy friends. Ew child hormones. "We're here" he says letting out a big a sigh.

"Oh great" I mumble. When I walked in I gasped loudly because when they said little kids they must have emphasized it. They all went to our school only they were sophomores and we were seniors. "Hey y'all" some perky blonde says chewing her gum like her life depended on it. "Uh...hi..can you excuse me?" I say pulling Chris around the corner of the foyer. "What the rack man you said kids not 'Kids' "I say punching his shoulder.

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