Chapter Thirty-Eight: In A Way.

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Go read 'Our Silent Miracle' by _motherkunce. My bffl.

There's going to be an epilogue after this chap.

Shit. I'm already crying. Like freaking shit.

Shit, shit, shit.

Excuse my violent language this book just makes me really sad..

I'm sorry it took me so long to update guysss.

Alright so here it is, the very last chapter of I Miss You.

Bah (insider) *sniffles*

Comment if you can :)


Justin's Point Of View.

I was light as a feather. I stood next to the girl I was madly In love with and I yelled at her. "Why are you crying? Stop crying! Please!" I yelled.

No one reacted, not even a flinch. I took in my surroundings for a second it was just me and her. Now more people I knew, were crying. All in some shitty little hospital room..

I turned around to see my very own lifeless body in a hospital bed, I could hear the blaring sound of the heart monitor stopping. "Oh god.." I whispered breaking down.

How could I be dead? Why did I have to go? I yelled at myself for a moment there, going completely insane. "Wake up! Wake the fuck up! Get up! Y-you have have to...wake me up." I begged.

I gave up, looking at the girl I'm in love with. She looked lifeless. Tears were falling aimlessly, not a sign of pain on her face. Just blank and broken. Then she took off running.

Well of course I followed her running after her. She stopped when she reached a balcony outside room two seventeen. A few down from mine.

She sat on the concrete barley breathing. "Justin..." She cried.

I sat next to her, I took her hand. She shivered thinking it was the wind. No, it was me I wish she could hear me. I wish I could just tell her how much I love all over again.

I looked in the sky.

She hadn't even noticed anyway she's like the moon And he is like the sun.

He was always so happy and joyous he's incapable of feeling sadness but that's all she felt, like a play. we role-play characters that are constant we create our own personality she was role playing, pretending to be who I truly am.

I think thats how we fit so perfectly. She sat on the ledge whispering very unpleasant things all because of me. I'd float up to where I belong but not now, not ever when she is stuck there on that ledge and every bone in my body shivered calling me home and I let go Falling to the concrete. I couldn't stand my ground right behind her.

"I'm so sorry." she whispered.

"Me too." I said. I know she can't hear or see me only because I'm dead, because she was too drawn to death to realize the good in her life.

I miss you.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt