Chapter Twenty: White Halls and blank Pages

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🐾OMG what's wrong with Justin?


School was a bore it was sixth hour and I was just waiting to get out of this hell hole. I was Just waiting to see Justin after school only twenty more stupid freaking minutes. "Now class! We're going to have a partner quiz!" She paused. "Your partner is the person sitting next to you!" She said finishing passing out the papers. I looked at the empty seat next to me and wished Justin was here.

1.) because he's A total Algebra Wiz.

2.) Because I miss him like hell.

" partner isn't here." I said awkwardly to my teacher. She wrinkled her nose and handed me a few papers that had the name 'Justin Logan' in the name slot.

"You'll have to take it alone." she paused. Jesus I hated when she did that. " and Justin are pretty close 'friends' so bring him his work..when you can." she said putting a sarcastic emphasis on the 'friends' I rolled my eyes and went back to my desk.

I tapped my pencil impatiently, this is how I get out of every surprise test I'm not prepared for, just do one question and tell the teacher you'll finish it tomorrow. So I can cram in all the studying tonight. The bell rang and mentally happy danced. "I didn't finish..." I said throwing the paper on her desk in an irritated way. She was a bitchy teacher and she had to take all her mean crap out on me. I gathered all my stuff from my locker and rushed to my car.


As I pulled into the hospital I sighed.

I parked my car in a space near the fountain and fixed my makeup and hair a bit. I took off my flats and slipped on my lucky pink pumps that I totally almost died tripping over the other day.

Ooh your trying to look good for Justin.

No I'm not!

Yes you are!

Am not!


I'm not about to have a fight with myself ugh GO AWAY!

Ooh you like Justin!

I do not.

Yes you do! I would know Im you.

Leave me alone.

I reapplied my red lipstick and blotted.

I walked into the hospital and everyone seemed super happy for some reason. I walked up to the front desk and the woman smiled at me "Hi im agatha what can i do for you today?" She looked pretty old but adorable and very happy. She fixed her glasses and I didn't answer she said "excuse me?...mam?"

"Oh sorry I dozed off I'm Kaylee and I just wanted to see my friend Justin Logan?"

"Oh yes." she said looking through some papers then she looked up at me and smiled. "Not many people visit him you know....your very beautiful! you must be his girlfriend!" I just smiled and nodded. "He's on the seventh floor room 214" I smiled and walked away. Why does everyone think were dating? Ugh...

Cause you want to ;)


Yes you do ;)

Stop it!


Why do you always fall for your guy friends? seriously your a creep.


I don't know why don't you ask your 'Boyfriend'

Fuck. You.

I walk into the elevator and the floor seven says C.T. Center. I wonder what that stands for just as I'm looking it up on my phone the elevator door opens. This floor is not like other floors all I can hear is screaming, crying and laughing.

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