Chapter Twenty-Six: Oh brother

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No A/N


Flashback to four days ago


"What do you mean he doesn't have enough money? I'll pay for it!" I yelled at the doctor.

Justin just shook his head.

"We don't have enough money for that either." my mother sighed.

"Then we have to remove Justin from our hospital, him not having health care or any insurance there is nothing more we can do for Justin."

"B-but, he's really sick." I said tearing up.

"I'm sorry but he will have to leave in the next hour."

"Don't worry Kaylee, it's going to be okay."


"Oh god." Justin said throwing up some more in his bucket.

"W-what do I do?"

He looked up and smiled a sad smile. "Just stay with me." he said patting a side next to him in his bed. Boy his apartment was messy. At least we had enough money to pay for this. He stroked my cheek "So, beautiful." he coughed.

"Why don't you get cleaned up and I'll make you some tea."

"I don't know if I can, I feel a little dizzy."

"But you need to."

"Fine, fine" he said standing up but the falling back onto me. I could feel my heart racing in my chest. "Yeah, I can't walk very well"I just stayed silent. "You okay?"

"I'm f-fine."

"Am I making kitty flustered?"

It's been a while since he's called me that.

"N-no it's just I'm-"

"I'm kidding, Kaylee."

I smiled relieved that he didn't ask me to explain why my heart was racing and I had failure to make anything I said make any since at all. "Ok, well I'll turn the shower on and then I'll walk you in and y-you can take your s-shower."

"Without my lady's help no, no." he joked.

I felt my cheeks heat up as I tried to hide it I couldn't why am I acting this way? It's strange. "Shut up!" I said throwing a pillow at his face.

"Ow, that hurt. Kaylee you're a bully."

I straight faced him and helped him get to the bathroom. "Ow, Kaylee stop I'm going to fall." he said chuckling. Yes, I was bad at walking him to a bathroom less than four inches from his room. We finally made it in and he sat on the ledge of the bathtub. "I think I've got it." he said smiling unsurely.

"O-okay, I'll be in the other room." I said rushing out.

I keep blushing and, my hearts beating so fast I can't stop smiling he makes me so nervous. "What is this feeling." I whispered to myself sliding down the kitchen wall.

I heard the shower turn on so that was good, at least until I heard a big thud. I rushed in the bathroom. "Everything okay?" thank god for shower curtains so I didn't have to see his naked body.

"I just s-slipped, I'm okay Im just going to take a bath." he said voice cracking like crazy.

I giggled at the way he said slipped and replied "Alright."

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