Chapter Thirty-One: Its December 25th or something.

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Merry Christmas lovelies!

My Christmas was awesome! How was yours? Oh you don't care right okay I forgot. :(

❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Have a great day mwah!


One Week Later

I woke up early that morning to send Justin and his family off.

They were going up north for Christmas
"Bye, I'll miss you so much." I said planting a kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Kaylee don't say it back." he whispered.

I watched him and his mom pull away from the house. I can't believe that he's leaving to go up north for Christmas. I sighed walking back in the house, my mom is at work all day so it looks like I'll be spending Christmas alone.

I went upstairs and put in my headphones and tapped my finger to the beat. I just focused of Instagram for like two hours until my phone vibrated.

Christopher: Ding dong open up.

What...I took my headphones out an dwindled my door bell was ringing like crazy. I ran down the steps irritated by the over and over sound of my doorbell chiming. I opened the door and rolled my eyes.

"Ever heard of ring once?"

"Nope, and don't you look ravishing." He said kicking his shoes off onto the floor.

"Why are you here?" I muttered.

"Your mom told me to stop by and's Christmas...if you remember that." he chucked walking in the kitchen.

"That was mean." I grumbled.

"Was it Kaylee? Was it? And that's you not me. Your Kaylee just so you know." he said pulling out a bag of chips.

"Stop being so rude!" I yelled a little too loud.

"I have no choice, ass hole is my full time personality if you hadn't noticed yet." he walked upstairs and went in my room.

"Chris stop I-"

"Woah you even learned my name!" He said flopping on my bed.

"Chris stop! Your my best friend for gods sake. Don't be a fucking Idiot" I said a tear mistakenly falling.

"Look I'm sorry, I won't talk about it anymore then." he said sighing. I sat next to him on my bed and closed my eyes.

There was a long silence. He pulled out a cigarette and he was about to light it when I snaked it out of his hand. "What the hell do you think your doing?"

He scoffed. "What does it look like?"

"Are you trying to kill yourself?"

It's a sarcastic expression Chris, please don't take it seriously.

There was a long pause. "Actually, yes."

"That's it your sleeping over and your going to have some fun and you will stop acting like my friends on their period."

"I'm not acting girly, Kaylee."

"Your overreacting, Chris."

"Life has no purpose anymore, I wish you could understand that. But you can't, your too busy screwing cancer boy." He finished. "Can't even pick up the phone.." He scoffed laughing sadly.

"He has a name Chris. Why are you acting so depressed? Nothing even happened."

"You really don't know do you." he laughed.

"Chris what is it?"

"I tried to kill myself four times this month."

I fell on the ground, not because I wanted to sit down. Simply because gravity couldn't hold me anymore. I didn't even notice I started crying heavily.

I couldn't imagine life without him, he my everything, my other half.

My Chrissy.

Then I got angry. "Why would you do t-that?" I yelled at him.

"Nothing you'd care about."

"What the hell Chris. Just tell me."

"The world wouldn't give a damn about me if I died."

I broke down. "That's an insult to me Chris! Who cares about the world? I would Care. Me Chris your best-friend! I would care. I give a damn about you Chris. Shit I-I." I stopped myself because I started to cry harder. "Why'd you do it Chris why?" I sobbed into his shirt.

"You don't want to know!" He yelled pushing me off of him.

"You don't have to be so fucking aggressive!"

"Your making this hard for me." he groaned. I walked up to him and pushed him against the wall.

"Chris! You will tell me! This is your life were talking about! God I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! Why, why would you ever-"

He grasped my cheeks and kissed me full of passion I was so surprised I jumped. "I did it because I Love you Kaylee, and that's not right. Do you know how damn hard it is to pretend you don't love someone for so long? I can't love you. It's not right, you love Justin me he loves you. I should just go. Remove myself from this mess, I s-shouldn't. I should just-"

He stopped talking when I shook my head no. "No, no, no, no, no. Don't go. Stay, please stay." I said furrowing my eyebrows, even I was surprised by my response.

He nodded really fast, and so did I. He came closer and closer and I just kept nodding until we were kissing again.

Holy....holy crap.


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