Chapter Twenty-Seven: She loves me she loves me not.

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This chapter was so freaking long when I first did it and I'm angry at life because it was so descriptive and cute and now it's probably a lot shorter than it was. All I have to say is I'm sorry Autumn you'll hate me for this chapter.

Go follow me on NanoWriMo '__loveisallyouneed'

Enjoy lovelies



<Justin's POV>


I will not think about Kaylee.

I will not think about Kaylee.

I will not think about Kaylee.

This isn't working. I'm in love with her. She's my everything, were not even sibling technically, my mom and her dad only have been married for three weeks.

Honestly, I really miss her. I overreacted back there, she's my everything and I can't just let her dwell on the past it was my fault even if all of it was true I don't care anymore. I don't care about her past I love the girl that I know now rather she was like that months ago or not.

It's just the way the is, the thought of her just makes me feel okay again, her soft skin and her subtle smile.

It's hard to meet someone that is the definition of love, she's so beautiful inside out, so kind to everyone. She try's to make everything for the better of people. Keeping secrets to make everyone else happy.

She cares more for other people than me.

I just sat there in my wheel chair. Looking desperately at her body in the hospital bed, all broken up and wired to machines.

Maybe, she had felt this way once before about me. If she could wake up and just flash me a smile I'd feel okay.

But I don't. How can you miss someone so much when your in the same room with them, how can I fight this distance?

I wanted her to know how sorry I am and how much I truly love her instead of worrying my head of pouring various thoughts, dreams, and pure fatigue in my mind, I could not have slept all night knowing that the love of my life was in a near death accident.

I glanced over at Chris, his hair was All messy and he looked anxious he was in his pajamas he had waited four hours with me just so we could visit her.

And of course she would be sleeping.

I had wondered if he had felt the same about Kaylee as do I.

I would ask but that would be very personal. I can see it, the way he looks at her with so much care. I know he loves her, but when she looks at him it's not how she looks at me. I just don't know it could be for better or worse. It feels like it's always someone fault when something reckless occurs to someone.


Me and Chris basically jumped out of our skin when she mumbled in her sleep. Chris smiled to himself as he sat back. She was probably dreaming about him, he is my enemy but I treat him with respect because he has done no harm to me or my feelings he just makes me angry with his existence.

Way to be harsh.

Chris stood up and sat next to Kaylee. Her eyes opened and she yawned and sat up peering at me. "You're in a wheelchair." she said questionably.

I miss you.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora