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So basically, I re-read I Miss You and cried myself to sleep.
Like it feels like I actually lost someone, god.
But on another note! I'm writing my new book 'Forever Written In The Stars' I like it more than I Miss You already lol. It's really sad but I hope all of you guys read it because I need to get my reads up!
There's a surprise at the end of this chapter ;)
But, oh my god thanks for reading I love you all so much.
Four Months Later.
I wasn't ready for the rest of the school year. It was April, my favorite month. Mostly because the cold is gone, but there are some things I left in that cold that I'd love to have back.
I held baby Justin in my arms and smiled. He looked the spitting image of his Dad. Sparky Blue eyes light brown hair.
I'd love to see the day when he smiled, he doesn't have teeth yet but I bet it'll be magical. The thought of his toothless smile just made me chuckle.
Justin James Ashton is what I named him. We never could get married. I wish we did, I would give anything to have that last name of his.
There was a knock on my door. "Come in."
It was Josh. "Morning, lil sissy." He said kissing my forehead. He took Justin out of my arms and pointed a finger at me. "You have school to get to!"
I groaned. "Right." I shooed him off and searched for something to wear. I put on a pair of black leggings and a blue crop top that read. 'Aint no body got time for that!'
Because as I said before, ain't no body got time for school.
I put my hair in a slick ponytail and put on my lucky white converse.
My first day back to school. This is going to be a motherfudging adventure.
I put my backpack on and my sunglasses and I was on my way. I said goodbye to my mother on my way out. I walked across my lawn knocking on a familiar grey houses' door.
You see Chris and his family were leaving today. This time I knew, this time I was scared but ready.
I felt safe again.
The door swung open and there he was, green eyes dancing with excitement, Smiling widely at me. He hugged me tightly. "Good morning, Princess."
"Morning, Chrissy." I smiled linking hands with him.
And I know what you thinking. We're not dating, he's my best-friend but I have the biggest crush on him still.
I like the way his hair smells like like green licorice, and how he's goofy all the time.
I like how he always puts me first, and laughs at all my jokes even when he knows that they're corny and lame.
I love every single thing about him.
We got in the car and I drove him to the airport before school.
"Turn up the tunes Kay, Kay." He said laughing.
I blushed. "Call me kay Kay again and you die."
He rolled his eyes. "You know you love it."
I do actually.
23 by Miley Cyrus came on and he clapped and started singing like an idiot. "Tatted up mini skirt with my J'S on!" He sang. We both looked at each other for a second.
Then as if on cue we turned on our darth vader voices. "J's on m feet. J's on my feet. J's on my feet. So get like me!" We sang laughing.
You know I think life is full of coincidences but, this. The was fate.
All of this had to happen for some reason. I parked the car in the air port parking lot and started walking with him toward the entrance.
We we approached his gate I was already tearing up. He smiled at me and just stared for a while. "One more thing."
I started laughing so hard. Out of nowhere Lucky by Jason Mraz started echoing through the speakers. "What-" I started but he shushed me.
"May I have this dance?" He smiled I nodded hesitantly.
A small crowd surrounded us and people clapped along to the song. Then he sang to me and my heart skipped a few beats. "Lucky to be comin' home some day.." He sang.
I was crying so hard. Tears of complete joy, no one had ever done anything like this for me. "Lucky I'm in love with my best friend. Lucky to have been where I have been." He sang smiling at me.
The song ended and people clapped and continued what they were doing.
(A/N: Ladies and gentleman. I made you wait a thirty five chapters for this. Take it in. Control, your feels.)
He pulled me close, invading all my personal space in a good way. He took in a sharp breath. "Kiss me." I said.
He nodded dazed. I seriously think I went into cardiac arrest. My heart was screaming for help. My hands shook and my brain turned into mush when his lips collided with mine.
It was slow and patient, like are love.
He rubbed the small of my back when I pulled away, resting my forehead on his. "Holy, fack." I whispered.
"Fack. Indeed." He whispered back. I chuckled.
I held his hand in mine. I walked him to the gate.
I started to cry again. "Don't worry, I'll be back." He smiled.
A tear slipped from his eye and I chuckled. "Don't cry you'll look like a little fag bag." I laughed crying harder.
He chuckled. "I don't want to say goodbye." He sadly.
"Then don't." I whispered.
"I miss you, then." He smiled.
"I'll miss you more." I said giving him a tight hug.
The End.
A FREAKING N: OMG. Guess what? Sequel. HAHA. I KNOW RIGHT!? But the sequel isn't coming for a very, very, very, long time. Not until I finish forever written in the stars.
That book has 50 chapters.... Lol. I hope you enjoyed the story sorry for the cheesy ending. I love you all make sure you read my new book.
And....have a nice life. Boop.
THANK YOU! I'LL MISS YOU. (Hehe. I'm lame.)

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