Beach Day

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Maka hung up the phone before stretching. Tsubaki had invited the group to go to the beach in about an hour. Maka hadn't been to a beach since her mom was here, which was years ago. Whenever someone invited her to the pool she'd bring along a book and get called bookworm. Don't get her wrong she loved the beach, Maka just didn't have a swimsuit that actually fit her.

"Alright, Maka!" Blair emerged from behind her door, Maka had no idea she was there, carrying a beach bag in one arm and umbrella in the other. She had a fold up chair slung over her shoulder and a straw hat on. Blair wore a tight, black swimsuit that showed off her chest. "I'm ready to go to the beach!" Maka shook her head, there was no telling her no. "Did you tell Soul yet?"

"I was just-"

"Hey, Soul!" The cat screamed. There was a curse along with loud footsteps. Soul walked in with a stain on his shirt, probably spilling something, and a menacing look. "Soul, we're going to the beach today!" Blair sang as she almost suffocated Soul with her boob crushing hug. The weapon tried to scramble away from Blair as he awaited the Maka-chop. The miester was to happy for Soul to ruin her mood, so she ignored this, just this once.

Soul fell on his butt as he freed himself from Blair. Maka leaned down next to him, "You ready to got to the beach?" Maka gave a smile and her hand. The weapon took her hand and scratched his head. Come on, Soul! Cool first, perverted thoughts later, Soul cursed himself.  Soul had only dreamed of how Maka would look in a bikini, hey, a guy could dream, and Soul did.

"I didn't know we were going today." He continued to scratch his head.

"Well we are so get ready. We're leaving in about an hour." Maka cheered. She rushed Soul out of her room so he could pack and so Maka could figure out what to wear. Soul grumbled as he let Maka shove him out. He wanted to see what Maka was going to wear to the beach. No, he really wanted to see her in a bikini.

"So Maka~" Blair sang. The miester gave the cat a fake smile and let her continue. "You have a swimsuit?" Maka shook her head but regretted it a second later. "Pumpkin, pumpkin, swimsuit!" Blair twirled her fingers as string flew out of the tip. It spun around Maka until it laced around her body creating a sexy swimsuit. Maka gasped at the dark, purple bikini that hung really low around the chest and waist area. It showed off Maka's cleavage, just enough to make her breast pop. Maka skrieked and covered herself with her arms.

"Maka? You alright-?" Soul opened the door and gawked at the blonde haired girl. She stood there, arms now at her side with a dictionary in hand. The weapon hadn't seen the book until it slammed down on his head.

"Knock before you enter!" Maka screamed at him and turned around. Soul's head and now nose was bleeding from the scene. Soul also got a great view of Maka's behind. "Pervert! Stop staring and get out." Maka raised the book again as Soul scampered off the floor and out to his room.

"Damn Maka for being sexy and cute at the same time." Soul said under his breathe. He reached his room and changed out of the coffee stained shirt that Blair ruined. It was his favorite shirt, because Maka had bought it for him for Christmas. He was sitting on the couch till he heard Blair call his name, he cringed at her voice and dropped the mug, spilling on the couch and himself. He probably should have cleaned it up...

Soul finished packing his small bag for the weekend, anytime the group went to the beach they would stay at Kid's beach house. That was Soul's favorite part. Maka had to sleep in the same room as the demon scythe who would occasionally stay up and watch her sleep, it's not creepy. Her features were so peaceful unlike her normal self where she nagged at Soul and fought with an expressionless or angry face.

He walked out of his room, a bag slumped over his shoulder. He wore a skin tight, aqua shirt and swim trunks that were black with white skulls on it. He wore dark sunglasses that hugged his head and sandy colored flipflops. Maka walked out with a white sundress and her hair in pigtails. They had green ribbons on either side and wore the same colored sun glasses. She held a pink and white striped bag filled with necessities. Maka had changed into something more appropriate when Soul had left. She now wore a beautiful green bikini with white strips, that her sun dress covered.

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