The Rough Night

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"All right, she's out." Riley sighed as she shut the door to Ben's room, where Emma slept. "There's nothing cuter than a sleeping baby." Danny and Tucker nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, it's when they're awake you gotta watch your back." Danny told her.

"Yeah, they suck you in with their cuteness and then once they got you...bam! Fluids are flying everywhere." Tucker added, just as Ben and Brooke came in arguing.

"No! Ben, no!" Brooke shouted at him, holding her blonde wig in her hand, a huge floppy hat on her head. "I am not babysitting Emma for you while you go play with crab cake Chloe! Have you not seen my hair!?" She pulled off the hat, and the others gasped when they saw her hair. Her usually straight, silky broken hair was now mangled, like she walked into a barber shop and asked the barber if he was suicidal and wanted to leave with one last FUCK YOU. It stuck out in weird places, and looked like the barber had no scissors and just tried to chew it off.

"Brooke! What happened to your hair?" Riley asked, coming over. Brooke threw her wig at Ben.

"Oh, I'll tell you what happened! That stupid wig that I bought, to help Ben!" Ben's face turned red. "I went to the cheapest store I could find to get a wig to pretend to be Emma's mom, and it turned out the guy made his own wigs with stolen hair from the salon next door and some super glue! And my wig, wasn't done drying! So, Ben used scissors to cut it out, and now my hair looks like a raccoon nested in it!" Ben threw up his arms.

"Come on! At least I bought you the hat to cover it up!" Brooke picked up the horrible dark green hat and shoved it back on her head.

"Good! Because now, I'm going to get a haircut! And...!" She stomped over, pulled his credit card out of his pocket, and waved it in the air. "I am taking this with me to pay for it! Goodnight, Ben!" The she left, slamming the door shut, and Emma began crying in the other room. Riley groaned.

"Ugh! We just got her down!" She glared at Ben. "Thanks a lot, Ben! You just had to make Brooke mad!" Then she hurried off to get the baby and calm her down. Meanwhile, Ben looked to Danny and Tucker.

"Do you think either of them will still watch Emma for me tonight?" Danny rolled his eyes, and Tucker crossed his arms.

"So, why do you need to change the plan we all so carefully crafted this morning?" Tucker asked him, as Riley came back in.

"I stuck her pacifier in. She should be out again in no time." Ben clapped hisnhands together, grinning.

Okay, uh, this is perfect. So a little change of plans." They all three narrowed their eyes at him. "I know it was my turn with Emma tonight, but crab cake Chloe just invited me over to get to know each other a little better, if you know what I mean." The three of them exchanged looks, then shrugged.

"Well, you're on your own tonight." Riley told him, picking up her purse from the couch.

"Tough break, dad. I hope she likes kids." Danny told him, patting his back. Ben, however, was confused.

"So obviously you don't know what I mean. Wait, where are you going? Did you all miss the part where she said she wants to get to know me better?" Riley shook her head for all three of them.

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