Say Nothing

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Brooke woke up that morning with a smile, curling up against the pillows. Mm, her pillows smelled just like Ben. The whole room did...

Wait. Ben? Brooke opened her eyes, and found herself in Ben's bedroom! She ripped the sheets off of herself, and sighed with relief that her dress was still intact. Then she jumped out of bed and hurried into the kitchen to find some sort of party going on, though it looked like it was ending.

"Ben?" Ben, who was standing at the counter, turned around so fast, Brooke thought he got whiplash. She also noticed at that Tucker and Danny were both staring at her like she had grown a third head. "What's going on? Why am I here and not, you know, with that really, really sexy guy that I met last night at the bar."

"So, you remember the guy you were with last night?" Ben asked her, and she nodded.

"Uh yeah, that was just about before my drunken state really settled in." Danny went over to her.

"Brooke, do you remember anything after that?" She scratched her head.

"Just that I woke up in Ben's bed after that." The guys looked to each other. This could either be really good, or really bad, depending on how they handled it.

"Okay! Good talk!" Then Ben pulled Danny and Tucker into the hallway of bedrooms, away from Brooke and nosy moms who filled the living room for Emma's unofficial baby shower.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Danny asked. Tucker's eyes went wide.

"What do you mean, "what's the plan"? This is Ben's problem!" Ben looked offended.

"My problem? What's that supposed to mean?"

"You're the one who can't keep his snake out of the garden! And Brooke's the one opening the gate!"

"But Brooke's like a sister to us!" Danny told him, then looked down at Ben. "Well, a sister to me. We have to help her."

"But what do we say?" Ben demanded. "Oh hey, Brooke! Just thought you should know! You might be pregnant with my second kid! Have a great day! It doesn't work like that!" Tucker sighed.

"Look, let's just wait it out for now. Brooke will tell us if anything is wrong. Until then, play it cool." Ben nodded confidently.

"Yeah, cool. I can be cool." Then they headed back out to find Brooke sitting down at the table as Bonnie and Riley shooed away the women out the door.

"Damn, Ben, when did your bed get so lumpy? My back is kind of sore." Ben made a really weird face at that.

"Sore back? That sucks!" He said loudly, just as Bonnie spoke to the last mom as she left.

"Well, I would have invited the baby's mother, but I never met her." She explained. "She was one of Ben's more productive one night stands." When the guys saw the party was over, they each in turn flopped onto the couch.

"Finally, its over." Danny mumbled, his mind still on Brooke.

"Okay, three words I never want to hear again, "that's so cute." Tucker told them, just as Bonnie gasped.

"Wasn't that cute?" They each groaned in unison. "Best shower ever."

"Yeah, those five hours just flew by." Riley told her sarcastically.

"There's not enough football in the world to erase what just happened." Ben commented, just as Bonnie gasped again.

"Wait. I almost forgot my present. So exciting!" And she hurried back into Danny's bedroom.

"There can't actually be more." Ben groaned as Brooke came in and sat on a stool. "I mean, seriously, what are we gonna do with a wipes warmer?"

"Oh, I was actually gonna hold on to that." Tucker told him, taking the box from him.

"Okay." Ben said strangely, and Tucker raised his eyebrows.

"What? Oh, Emma's the only one who can appreciate the soothing comfort of a warm towelette?"

"That does sound nice." Danny commented.

"Sure does, right about now." Brooke grumbled, arching her back, making Ben jump up.

"Uh, Brooke! Why don't you come and sit down on the couch? Where you'll be more comfortable?" Brooke furrowed her eyebrows, but stood up and went over to the couch, sitting between Danny and Tucker, who still spoke to Ben.

"Don't worry. Everything can be returned." That was when Bonnie came in with world's pinkest, most frilliest stroller known to man, Emma sitting inside of it.

"Finally, my little princess has her carriage. Isn't it perfect?" She squealed, the guys, Brooke, and Riley all staring at it as Bonnie spoke to Emma. "Hello, princess."

"Oh my god." Brooke muttered, and Ben looked to Tucker.

"You said, "everything," right?"


And return the stroller they did. And got the Ferrari of strollers.
Ben, Danny, Tucker, Brooke, and Emma strutted down the street, each with their own pair of sunglasses, looking sexy and they knew it.

"Okay, suddenly don't care that dad never let me drive the convertible." Ben commented, and Tucker took a deep breath.

"Ah, it's even got that new stroller smell." Brooke took a sniff, and wrinkled her nose.

"I don't know if that's the stroller you're smelling." That was when she saw a rather sexy guy, pulled her sunglasses down her nose, and shot him a dazzling smile, winking. Ben noticed, and took the stroller in a circle around her, distracting her and almost making her fall, had Danny not caught her real fast.

"Oh-h, this thing is so cool." He said, pretending not to notice, when an equally hot woman passed them, doing the same that Brooke had.

"Nice stroller." She commented, and Ben turned right around.

"Hello... And it just got a whole lot cooler." He told his friends, then spoke to the woman. "We just drove her off the lot."

"Looks fast." She teased.

"Well, that depends on who's pushing it." He chuckled. "It's not over yet." The woman smiled.

"Okay. I'll call you." And Ben's phone was in her hand.

"That boy's got confidence. Stroller confidence." Tucker told the others as Ben danced over.

"Her name's Zoe. Finally one for the "z"s. This stroller is amazing." Tucker smiled, then shoved him aside.

"Yeah, give me the keys. I'm driving."

(Hey, Wonderlandians! As my fellow Freeform lovers, I thought to inform that I have begun a Young and Hungry fanfiction! Hungry Young Sisters first chapter is up! Go and check it out!)

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