The New Guy

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The next few days turned into weeks that slowly went by. Brooke never came over anymore, and Ben always seemed pissed off at everything. Danny felt like he was the middle man, even though it seemed that Brooke had cut herself off from them completely. She barely talked to Riley, let alone the guys and Bonnie. She didn't even go to work because Ben was there. And as the days went by, Ben was starting to feel bad. After all, he'd done something just as stupid, and that mistake was sitting in a high chair in his kitchen named Emma. So he went over to her apartment and knocked on her door. No answer.
"Brooke, I know you're in there, I can hear Hannah Montana." He said.
"It's open." A voice called. He opened the door and found Brooke sitting on her couch, the TV tuned to the Disney Channel, a small glass of orange juice in her hands and a tattered red blanket across her lap. She wore a long sleeved blue striped shirt and her hair was straightened, which caught Ben by surprise. She didn't turn away from the TV as she spoke.
"What'd you want Ben? I already told you, I'm not pregnant with Tucker's baby." He sighed, plunking down next to her.
"Brooke, I came to apologise. I was stupid to think that was all your fault. And it's not Tucker's either. You guys went out for a good time and bit off more than you could chew." Then he lifted the glass out of her hand, set it on the end table, and  took her hand into his own. "Brooke, will you take me back?" She looked at him and blushed.
"Ben, I'm sorry, but no." Ben gasped.
"What? H-how come?" Then a tall, rather handsome man walked out of the bathroom in his boxers. He was African American, with short hair, a cleaned shaved face and a chiselled chin and cheeks. And he had a six pack and decent sized biceps. Brooke gasped and flipped around.
"Brooke, who's this guy?" The two men asked at the same time, the other man's voice booming over Ben's. Brooke covered her face with her hands.
"Bryan, this Ben. He's my ex boyfriend and Danny's little brother. Ben, this is my new boyfriend Bryan. I met him t weeks ago at one of Danny's hockey practices. He's on the team with Danny." Ben barely heard that last part as he stared at Bryan. Bryan walked over and held out his hand, smiling.
"Very nice to finally meet you, Ben. Danny talks about quite often." He said in that deep, manly voice of his. Ben nodded, mumbling a hello. Brooke sighed in relief.
"Alright, you two me, we're all friends, yay!" She said hurriedly stood up and began to pull Ben off the couch and towards the door. "Now Ben has to go!" She dragged him into the hallway and shut the door. That's when Ben noticed she wasn't wearing pants.
"Okay, we need to talk!" Ben said. She smacked him across the face.
"Shut up! I don't want Bryan hearing!" She whisper-shouted. "Why are you here!?"
"I can over to apologise! I wanted to get back together with you!" He whisper-shouted back.
"Well it's too late for that now, Wheeler!" He looked upset.
"But Brooke, it was a stupid mistake!"
"Yeah, that you overreacted too! Now go home, and stay out of my business!" Then she went back inside the apartment and slammed the door. Ben drudged home to find Danny feeding Emma. Ben pointed at him.
"You!" He ran at Danny and tried to put him in a headlock, but Danny just pushed him off.
"Whoa whoa whoa! Ben! Calm down." Danny said. Ben jabbed him with his finger.
"I can't calm down! Because, one of your little hockey friends, is down the hall, sleeping with Brooke!" Danny's eyes widened and he smiled.
"Alright Bryan!" Ben looked flabbergasted.
"YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS!?" He shouted. Danny shrugged.
"Yeah. I invited Brooke to my practice, because she seemed lonely, and I noticed that Bryan kept talking to her and seeming to show off at her. So, I told him to ask her out and he did." Ben groaned.
"I was going to ask her to get back together with me!" He shouted. Danny's smile disappeared in an instance.
"Oh." Ben smacked him head on a wall.
"God! Now I'll never be able to get back together with her."

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