Girls Night Shopping

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(Hey guys! So, the story is super popular, right? Like, I never expected to have as many people as I do like this story. So I'm gonna mix it up a bit. It's called, a contest! I want you all to send me a new cover for the story! Whoever creates the best cover by next week, will win these amazing prizes!
A chapter dedication, and a character that makes a huge impact on the storyline!
But that's not the only prize! I have a second and third place prize!
2nd: a chapter dedication and a smaller character
3rd: a chapter dedication
And I will mention and thank anyone and everyone who sends me covers! Can't wait to see them! Now on to what you guys came for!)

Brooke stared at her apartment as the movers packed all of her things into boxes. She was going sell all of her furniture after the wedding and move in with Bryan. She felt rather icky as she watched all of her things get packed up. She was moving from her rather run down, messy, yet comforting apartment, to a clean, modern, sort of prim house meant to make a family. Brooke was happy she was getting married, but she wasn't sure she was so ready.
That was when Riley came in. She knocked on the open door, startling Brooke.
"Hey there, Mrs. Sealer." She said teasingly, using Bryan's last name. Brooke grinned.
"Hey, Riley." Riley came over, grabbed by the shoulders, and gave her a small shake.
"C'mon! You, need a girls night! You've been hanging out with Bryan and the guys way too much! You and I are going to have your bachelorette party!" Brooke laughed.
"Just you and me?" She inquired. Then Bonnie came in, carrying Emma.
"Heyo!" She called. Brooke crossed her arms and gave Riley a look, who shrugged.
"I thought it'd be fun to bring Bonnie along! And three girls for a bachelorette party isn't that much fun, so we'll bring the girl who brings in all the cutest guys!" Bonnie nodded.
"That's right! Momma needs herself a man! And Emma's the best in the biz, especially for the, young grandma act." She said, waving to one of the movers. Brooke laughed again.
"A girls night is just what I need! Let me pull out a better outfit and then we'll head out!" She headed for Ben, Danny, and Tucker's where she had left some of her clothes-the rest being at Bryan's already-, but Bonnie and Riley stopped her.
"Oh no you don't!" She looked at her two friends in surprise.
"This is your day, and we are going to go and buy some pretty new outfits!" Bonnie nodded, bobbing Emma up and down. Brooke shrugged.
"Alright then! Let's go!" Riley shouted, then they pulled Brooke out the door and down the stairs, cheering the whole way there.


"What do you think?" Bonnie asked, coming out of the dressing room with Emma. "Is it slutty enough?" Brooke and Riley gave each other a look.
"Um, Bonnie? Emma's only a few months old. I don't think she needs to look slutty yet." Riley told her, staring at Emma's minidress. It really was a minidress. They had been look for a cute new outfit for Emma and found baby minidresses.
Bonnie shrugged. "It's never too early to start." Then she pulled out her phone and took a picture of Emma in the sparkly, sleeveless, purple minidress and the tiny heels. "Baby's First Minidress!" She cried out. Then Riley pulled Brooke into the women's section.
"While Bonnie plays with Emma, you and I are going to find you a new minidress!" Then she began to flip through the racks and scan the walls. "Something that says, 'sexy, but spoken for', but also something that says 'spoken for, but flirty'." Then she pulled a little black dress out of a pile in front of mannequin. "Perfect!" Then she dragged Brooke over to a changing room, where Brooke got into the dress. It definitely looked sexy. The neckline was low with the sides opened up and the skirt was short. The back had a cross pattern and her hair fell across her semi bare shoulders. She stepped out of the dressing room, presenting the dress to the others.
"Woo-hoo!" Bonnie yelped, looks at Brooke, who blushed. Riley gasped from where she putting Emma in her stroller.
"Oh my gosh, Brooke! You look amazing!" She cried.
"Thanks, guys." She muttered. Bonnie crossed her arms.
"Wait, this is not the Brooke Rucker, almost Sealer, I know. What's up?" Brooke sighed.
"That's just it." Riley tilted her head.
"Huh?" Brooke sighed again.
"Rucker, almost Sealer. After the wedding, there'll be so many things I won't be single anymore. I'm used to being able to go out with my friends, flirt shamelessly, get some free drinks, get drunk and dance around like it was my birthday, then wake up the next morning with the worst hangover ever. Now, I don't know if I can do that anymore. Last time I did that while in relationship, I had sex with my boyfriend's best friend and it ruined our relationship. And now, I don't want that to happen again." Riley put her arms around Brooke.
"Brooke, you're going to be fine." Bonnie nodded, patting Brooke's shoulder.
"When I got married, I knew that I was going to lose, and gain somethings. I may have lost the right to flirt with anybody, though let's be real, I did it anyway, I got Danny out of it, right?" Both girls looked at her.
"What about Ben?" Riley asked. Bonnie waved that away.
"He was born because the cat ate all my birth control pills." The girls looked at each other, then sighed.
"Still, I don't even know if I'm ready to marry this man. We've only been dating for a year." Riley patted her shoulder.
"Well, you don't worry. We'll be here every step of the way." Brooke hugged the two tightly.
"Thanks guys." Then they went to find Bonnie a dress. It was party time!

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