Get Ready

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"And that is Emma's fifth diaper of my wedding day that I had to change because Ben is doing God knows what, Danny is out helping Riley, Tucker is clipping his gross toenails with what used to be my clippers, and Bonnie is filming me change Emma's fifth diaper of my wedding day." Brooke narrated to Bonnie's camera. Bonnie grinned at her from behind the camera.
"And that was gold! Nice job, Brooke!" Brooke gave her a look as she pulled Emma's pants back up.
"That wasn't gold. That was the truth." She told Bonnie. "Tucker you can keep the clippers!" She called as she walked down the hall with Emma.
"Thank you!" Tucker called back from the bathroom. As they walked into the living room, Danny and Riley walked in with Riley and Emma's dresses and Danny's suit.
"We're home!" Brooke smiled at them.
"Great! Let's get Emma ready." Then she set Emma on a stool and covered the little girl's ears.
"Ben, get the hell over it and get your ass ready! I'm not waiting around for you!" She shouted. She couldn't believe that Ben was sulking on her wedding day. 
Ben came out in his boxers, his dress shirt stained with beer, and about half awake.
"Hey guys. What's up?" he asked. Brooke moved her hands from Emma's ears to Emma's eyes.
"Ben. What happened last night?" Riley asked. He shrugged.
"I went out for a beer. Woke up like this. And with this," he held up a pink, lacy bra. "Over my eyes." Brooke sighed, went over and yanked off his shirt, then tossed it to Bonnie.
"You. Get that dry cleaned. You," She pointed at Riley. "Get Emma and yourself ready. You," She pointed at Danny. "Get yourself ready. And you," She pointed at Ben. "Better pray that the rest of your suit is clean." Then she dragged him down the hall and dug around his room until she found the rest of his suit. Then she went to the kitchen, filled a glass with water, then ran back and splashed in Ben's face!
"Gah! What was that for?" He asked, now much more awake.
"For the smell, and to wake you up." She told him, then threw him his pants, suit jacket, and tie. "Now get dressed! And hurry! We have mere hours to get to the church!" That was when she went back into the living room and groaned.
"Dear God, Ben! What did you feed this child?" 
"Carrot mush." He called back. Brooke groaned again.
"Ben, you know that stuff upsets her stomach!"
"No I didn't." He said, clearly confused. "Did you guys know this?" He called to Danny and Tucker. They both shook their heads at Brooke. Brooke reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, then scrolled through her texts.

"Hey guys. Just to let you know, Emma shouldn't eat carrot mush. It upsets her stomach." She read. Ben came in wearing just his pants and looked over her shoulder, to see his name in a group chat, next to Danny and Tucker. Tucker looked through his own phone, then chuckled.
"So that's what that was about." He said. "You know, I get so many texts a day, being Mary Hart's producer, that I never know which text is from which." Brooke looked at Danny. He shrugged.
"I forgot." Brooke sighed, then smiled, messing up Ben's hair like he was a little kid.
"You three are hopeless." She told them, trying not to look at Ben's bare chest. "What would you do without me?"
"They're going to have to figure out." Bonnie told them, coming with the camera in one hand and Brooke's dress in the other, a new shirt for Ben over her shoulder. "With you getting married, Bryan's gonna wanna start a family, and that means Busy Brooke!" She gave Brooke a look. "I remember Busy Bonnie." Then she made a disgusted face. "I'm still Busy Bonnie." Brooke rolled her eyes as she took her dress.
"C'mon you guys." She told them. "We've got to get to the church before Bryan decides to marry one of the bridesmaids!" They all laughed, except for Ben, who chuckled quietly. Somehow or another, he had managed to land a spot as one of Bryan's groomsmen. 
"You've been very kind and very good about this whole thing, seeing as Brooke is your ex." Bryan had told him. Ben remembered the disbelief he had felt as he grabbed his dress jacket and tie. Danny already had his on, he just needed to button it, and Tucker disappeared into his back bedroom to change. Brooke, who was in a pair of hot pink sweatpants and a white shirt she had stolen from Danny, picked up Emma and put her into her stroller, then they all went down to the church, where Bryan stood by the front door, smiling. Brooke smiled when she saw him.
"Bryan!" She said, going over to him. He went the rest of the way and gave her a kiss. Then he looked at her happily.
"So, are you ready?" He asked her. She tilted her head.
"For what?" He laughed.
"To get married, of course! To be together forever!" Her smiled wavered, but she nodded.
"Oh, right! Of course!" She told him. But Ben could see that she wasn't ready, not in the least, nor was he. He didn't want to lose Brooke. Even though she was his ex, she was still his best friend, and she was moving on from him.

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