Take Her Out of the Ball Game

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The next day, Danny walked into the locker room, ready to confront Hayes.

"Hey, Coach, can we talk?" Hayes looked at the ground, a little embarrassed.

"I suppose you want your robe back. It's not how it..." Danny held up his hand to stop him.

"My mom told me about what happened. I'm really sorry for overreacting like that." Hayes let out a sigh of relief.

"No hard feelings." He said, and Danny let out an equal sigh of relief of his own.

"Thanks for understanding. And I totally promise to be better next time." Hayes shook his head.

"I really don't think there's gonna be a next time."

"Hey, don't blame her because I'm a jerk." Danny told him sternly, starting to get mad again.

"It's not you, Wheeler." Hayes told him, trying to make it better. "To be honest, I'm just not that into her. Turns out she's not my type." Danny's eyebrows rose.

"Not your type?" Hayes shook his head, not realizing just how pissed Danny was getting.

"Just a matter of taste." Danny stepped closer to him, close to destroying him.

"So you don't like funny beautiful women who are totally out of your league?" Hayes


"No, that's my mom you're talking about." Danny was furious now. "And the one thing I know for sure is that no one's smarter, nicer or more caring on this whole planet. And any guy would be lucky to go out with her." Hayes let out another sigh, this one annoyed.

"I'll go out with her." Danny scoffed.

"Yeah. In your dreams." And he walked away, feeling so much better about the situation.


Back at the field, Ben carefully made his way over to Riley, who was taking a pile of baseballs and hitting them over the fence with a bat.

"Hey." Ben called, and Riley grunted when she saw him.

"Are sure you feel safe coming so close?" She asked, and Ben let out a small chuckle.

"I would if you put the bat down." He told her, and she groaned.

"Ugh, what is the matter with me?" Ben shrugged, still smiling.

"Maybe you're just too smart and too beautiful." She glared at him. "Again, still holding the bat." She groaned again.

"You can change the outside all you want, but the inside...not so much." She murmured, looking at the ground. "I couldn't do it. I couldn't just have fun."

"Winning is fun for you." Ben told her, knowing it to be true.

"Oh my God, I love it!" She told him anxiously. "But what does that get me? A room full of trophies and nobody to share them with?" Ben shrugged again.

"Danny seems to have it figured out." She finally smiled at him.

"Well, neither of us are your brother." Ben looked at the ground.

"Yeah, I think I've probably heard that one or two...hundred thousand times." Riley bit her lip, knowing that she had said something wrong.

"But he's not the brother I wanted to be like." Ben smiled again. "Truth: I once made up this whole goofy victory dance so I could show people that I can be fun too." Then she began to dance, and Ben laughed.

"Oooh!" She laughed too, standing up straight and putting her hands on her hips.

"I called it the Wheeler."

"What happened?" Ben asked, and her smile fell.

"Somebody laughed and I decked them." Ben looked at the ground, then decided he should share something with her.

"Truth: I was kind of looking forward to winning for a change." He told her, and she looked up at him. "Never really tried it before." She shrugged.

"Well, I think you and the Brawlers can figure out how to do it without me." Ben shrugged back.

"Maybe. But what fun would that be?" She gave him a look.

"Ben, nobody wants me." Ben shook his head.

"It doesn't matter. I want you." Riley let out another sigh, before picking up another ball, tossing it into the air, and hitting it with the bat. It once again cleared the fence, and they heard glass shattering, followed by a car alarm.

"I think we should probably run." Riley told Ben.

"Yeah, let's." And the two could have run all three bases twice and not have gotten caught, they ran so fast.


"Go Brawlers!" The team cheered. They had just won another game, and this time, they had had fun with it!

"We're on a roll!" Tucker called, standing next to Brooke, who had finally made it to a game and had played well.

"All thanks to my lovely co-captain." Ben called, patting Riley's shoulder. "Riley even made up with the umpire." Riley nodded excitedly.

"Turns out he really does need new glasses."

"Ben." Ben turned around, and saw Bonnie looking slightly scared.

"Hey, Mom. Come to help us celebrate?" She shook her head.

"No, more like hide out. Honey, you have to help me." Ben furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's wrong?" That was when Danny dragged a terrified looking man over.

"Mom, what about this guy?" Bonnie forced a smile on her face.

"I don't know, honey. The fear in his eyes is a bit of a turn off." Danny glared at the man and shoved him away.

"Beat it." As he did, he saw another guy in the distance. "What about that guy over there?" He asked. "Hey, you!" He called, before looking back at Bonnie. "Don't worry. I'm gonna find a guy that makes you happy." Then he ran off, Bonnie's smile turning genuine.

"Okay. He seems to be getting better." She said this to Ben. "Thanks for talking to him." Ben looked to her.

"How did you know?" She gave him a knowing smile.

"Hey, I know my boy's work when I see it." She told him proudly, putting her arm around him. "Like I always say, thank God for my Ben."

"Do the Wheeler, do the Wheeler..." Came from behind them, and they turned to see Riley up on the table doing her dance, Tucker and Brooke doing it with her on the ground.

"What is Riley doing?" Bonnie asked, and Ben chuckled.

"I believe it's called the Wheeler." Bonnie furrowed her eyebrows.

"Well, honey, throw her a dollar. Otherwise this is just sad."

Baby Daddy's BabysitterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora