Maybe She's Pregnant

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Bonnie and Riley managed to drag Brooke's body out in front of the club and brought her over to an alley way so she was out of the way.

"Oh, god!" Bonnie exclaimed as they set her down. "What are we going to do? Brooke's unconcious, maybe pregnant, with Ben's second child, we've dragged her behind a bar into an alley way, and on top of it, I just left behind the hottest piece of ass in the men's room!" But Riley was already on her phone, calling Ben.

"Ugh, straight to voicemail!" She groaned. "He's probably putting Emma to bed. I'm calling Danny."


"Goodnight, Emma." Danny kissed his niece goodnight, then handed her over to Ben, just as his phone rang. He went to his bedroom and saw that it was Riley, then answered.

"Hey Riles, whats up?"

"Danny, you need to come down to the club, now! Brooke's passed out and its not only because of the alcohol!" Riley exclaimed, sounding like she was about to cry. "She might be pregnant with your brother's second child!" Danny's eyes went wide. "Danny, you've got to get down here! We have no car, no money, and an unconscious Brooke!"

"Okay! I'm on my way over!" And Danny ran for the door as Tucker walked into the room.

"Hey man, where're you going?" He asked Danny.

"Brooke's passed out at the club in an alley with Mom and Riley and she might be pregnant with Ben's baby!" Then he hurried out the door, and Tucker sighed, looking up at the sky.

"Why?" He asked no one in particular. "I am kind enough to allow him bring one baby and a giant into my apartment, and instead of a supermodel, I get another baby and a woman who can't go thirty seconds without alcohol? Why?"


Danny drove as fast as he could to the club, and when he got there, he lifted up Brooke and set her in the backseat, Riley climbing in with her and Bonnie jumping into the passenger seat.

"Danny, thank you so much for driving here!" Riley told him. "You are so sweet!" Danny felt grateful that it was dark so she couldn't see how red his face had gotten.

Bonnie looked back at Brooke, looking concerned. "She must have passed out bad." She said. "She's usually cussing out the doorman and asking for more wine and abs in her sleep. I haven't seen her like this since we had to bring her in and I took her out for her first official girl's night!" Riley looked up at this.

"Wait, you guys brought her in?" She asked. "When did that happen?"

"Her mom kicked her out as soon as she turned sixteen." Danny explained. "She said that if Brooke could get a job and drive a car, she could live by herself. Obviously she couldn't, so Mom and Dad let her stay at our place for a while. She's like a sister to me and Ben."


Danny carried Brooke into their apartment, just as Ben came in from putting Emma down, his eyebrows furrowing as Danny set Brooke on the couch.

"Hey. What's going on with Brooke?" Riley, Danny, Bonnie and Tucker all exchanged looks. This might not be the easiest thing to tell Ben...

"I'll do it." Bonnie offered, then went over and put her hand on Ben's shoulder. "Ben, honey, there's something I have to tell you, and believe me, I don't want to be the one to do it." She took a deep sigh, then looked at Ben, and bluntly said "Brooke's pregnant with your kid because you two don't know how to keep your hands out of each other's pants." Ben's eyes went wide.

"What!?" Riley nodded.

"Well, we think so. She told a guy at the club her boobs grew and a girl at the club said that her sister's boobs grew because she was pregnant!" Ben put one of his hands on his hip and ran the other one through his hair.

"Oh god. Okay, um, let's bring her into my room!" They all gave him a look. "What?"

"Ben, after you just found out that she might be pregnant with your child, you want to sleep with her again?" Bonnie asked, and Ben shook his head.

"What? No! I mean, if she is pregnant, then she won't be very happy waking up on the couch! We don't know what that could do to a baby!" Bonnie shrugged.

"I don't know. I mean, I tried with Danny, fell off, and got a concussion." She considered this, then nodded. "Yeah, get her into the bed. But Ben is not sleeping with her." Ben waved it away.

"Don't worry, I'm planning on sleeping on the couch myself. From what I learned when we were dating, she kicks in her sleep. And yells. And hits. And wakes up Emma."

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