Truce Broken

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"Oh, no, no, no, honey." Ben hurried over to Emma and took his phone from her hand from where she sat in the highchair. He was getting a few chores done as he fed her. "I know you like Daddy's phone, but the last time you baby dialed someone, the police showed up." He told her, sitting and down and chuckling when he saw who she almost called. "Look, you almost called Ava." Then he realized what had just happened. "You almost called Ava." He flipped around, looking through the empty apartment. "Tucker! Tuck?" No answer came, and he turned back to Emma, giving her back his phone, even though she was far more interested in the puff snacks that covered her highchair tray. "Okay, here's Daddy's phone. Okay? If you just hit right here, okay?" Emma just smacked at the phone, not hitting the button, so Ben tried to guide her small hand over to the call button for Ava. "Right... Hold on, right here. If you just, uh, okay... right here." She just threw a puff snack at him, and he chuckled, trying to keep calm. He really wanted this to work. "No, Emma. Focus. Okay? Just... just right there." The phone beeped, and Ben pumped his fist, jumping up. "Yes!" The phone rang, and Ben bit his hand to keep from talking out loud as soon as she answered.

"Hello?" Ben grinned over at Emma, who threw another puff snack. "Ben? Is anybody there? Hello?" He then hung up on her, and bit his lip.

"Oh, please please please please please please." Ben begged anxiously, and the phone began to ring. "It seems we have a call." He picked up the phone, leaning back casually. "Hello? Ava?" He laughed casually, as though he didn't know she was going to call him. "Oh, yeah. So nice of you to call." He mouthed "thank you" at Emma, who bounced up and down, stuffing a puff snack into her mouth. "What's up?"


"Well, you're definitely not the first guy to ask me to meet him at a bar, but you are the first guy I feel like I should tip." Ava complimented him later at the bar. Ben was showing off behind the counter, serving her drinks and being as cute as normal. Bonnie was busy watching Emma for him.

"I don't usually do this, but it happens to be Bring Your Date to Work Day." He joked, refreshing her drink. "Plus, I was already on my way here when you called me." Her eyebrows rose.

"When you called me." She corrected.

"When Emma..." He shook his head, not bothering to correct her with his lie. "it's not important." Then he chuckled, and Brooke took the bottle he kept using.

"Don't waste the product." She told him, and he took it away before she could pour herself a drink, then turning back to Ava, who couldn't help but laugh. 

"So, what do you think of New York so far?"

"I like it." She admitted, picking up her glass. "Great energy, good food... Cute guys." She winked at him, and he smirked, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Been talking to a lot of those?"

"I'm not gonna tell you all my secrets." She taunted, shaking her glass at him. "Unless you make me another one of these." They both laughed, then she stood up. "I'll be right back." She stood up and left for the restroom, just as her phone began to buzz. 

"Ava, your phone." Then he saw who was calling her, and picked up the phone. "Hello, Tucker."


"I didn't call her." Tucker insisted once both of them were back home, arguing about their little loopholes. "I texted her. And then she texted me back to call her. So technically, I was returning her text." Ben crossed his arms, completely annoyed.

"That is not what we agreed. I at least have the decency to have Emma call for me." Tucker's eyes went wide, and he held up his hands. He hadn't expected this kind of move, but if this was gonna be a game, then he was going to play to win.

"Oh." He stammered. "I want you to know that this is not over, okay? You have not won. I am calling Ava, and we are going out. She can compare and contrast all she wants, I ain't got no issues." Ben narrowed his eyes, and gestured to his body.

"You're really willing to go up against this?" Tucker nodded, ready for a fight. "Fine. May the best man win." 

"Best man?" Tucker scoffed, heading for his bedroom. :Oh, then that'll definitely be you at my and Ava's wedding." He gestured to Ben's clothes. "Oh. Wear something nice."


"This is Riley Perrin, hairbrush news network." Meanwhile, Danny and Riley were at the bar, Riley preparing Danny for his up and coming interview. "I'm thrilled to be talking with New York ranger, Danny Wheeler. Danny? Tell me what it's like to be a part of this exciting team." She held her hairbrush that she was using as a microphone out to him, and he immediately began to sweat.

"Well, the thing is... Uh..." He pushed the hairbrush away from his mouth, chuckling, embarrassed. "I don't know what you want me to say." She let out a deep breath. This was going to be more difficult than she thought.

"Okay. Too advanced. Um." She thought for a moment, and decided to go simpler. "We'll start with the basics. Stand up." She pulled Danny to his feet, and held her hand to her just above her stomach. "We'll do a little deep breathing to focus us. All right? Deep breath." He took a deep breath as though he were about to go under water, and she shook her head, smiling at him. "No, no, no, here. From your diaphragm." She put her hand just above his stomach to show where he needed to breathe from, and his cheeks turned bright red as she felt his chest. "Wow. Do you grate cheese on this thing?" They both chuckled as he tried breathing again, and she put his hands on her hips so he could feel her diaphragm. "Here. Feel how I'm doing it." Even Brooke from across the room could see just how dark red his face was turning from the blushing he was doing. He had done stuff with Riley before, but never had he touched her like this. It felt almost... romantic. "Comfortable?" He nodded eagerly. 

"Very." She smiled, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath to demonstrate, Danny doing the same, before leaning in, somehow feeling that it was the right moment to just place his lips against her own... 

"Whoa." And the moment was interrupted when she opened her eyes and saw him. "Wheeler, you okay?" He nodded quickly, standing up straight again. "You got all slack-jawed there for a minute. Let's try not to drool on me. Focus." That was when her phone rang, and she groaned. "Ugh, I hate this stupid thing." She took her phone and went outside to answer it, and Brooke came over, chuckling.

"Dude! What the hell was that?" She asked, punching his shoulder. "You totally almost kissed Riley!" Danny buried his face in his hands, pushing his hair back.

"I know! God, I'm such an idiot!" He groaned, plunking onto the couch, and Brooke went around, massaging his shoulders.

"Wheeler, get your head in the game!" She told him, smacking him roughly on the side of the head before returning her hand to his shoulder. "You can't lose focus! She's trying to help you and all you want is to stare into her eyes! That can't happen, can it?" She leaned over, squeezing his shoulders and making him wince as he turned to face her.

"Ah! No!" He told her, and she nodded, standing straight again.

"Then don't lose focus! Shape up, or ship out! Now come on!" He nodded, more into it now.

"Yeah! You're right!" He jumped and high fived her. "Thanks, Brooke!" Then he headed for the door, and she grabbed him by the back of his shirt. 

"Danny, she's coming back." He turned around and sat back on the couch.


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