May Not Be Just a Sleepover

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It had been nearly two months since the whole wedding incident, and Brooke needed a girl's night. Brooke may have been considered one of the guys, she still needed a girl's night. And since Bonnie was a heavy drinker and Riley was closer to her age, they were perfect girls to go out for a girl's night.

"Bon, you know I can buy my own dress, right?" Brooke asked that night in Bonnie's apartment. Bonnie glanced back at her.

"With what money? The money you earn staring at Ben with googly eyes?" Brooke gave her a look.

"Um, I don't think you should be talking about your son like that." Bonnie shrugged, then turned back to the closet, and almost immediately gasped pulled out a little pink dress.

"This is perfect!" Then she threw it to Brooke. "You've grown two bra sizes! You'll fit!" Brooke furrowed her eyes at Bonnie, concerned.

"How did you-"

"I dug through your laundry looking for cute clothes I could have." Brooke nodded, furrowing her eyebrows deeper as she slipped on the dress, finding that indeed, she fit into Bonnie's dress.


When they reached the club, Brooke and Riley entered in looking fierce, Riley in a flaring red dress with sparkles across her chest.

Brooke looked over at Riley, smiling, her newly cleaned teeth shining pearly white in the lights.

"Ready to kick some chick ass and get some hot guys?" She asked. Riley nodded confidently.

"Heck yeah!" Then she furrowed her eyebrows. "Wait, don't you think we should let Mrs. Wheeler out of the cab?" Brooke shook her head.

"Nah! The driver'll open the door and let her skirt out." Then she held up some car keys. "When he finds his keys!" Riley gasped, laughing hard as her face turned pink.

Then the two went deeper into the club, where Brooke found a couple of her old friends.

"Hey! Sheila!" She called, pulling Riley over. "I haven't seen you in ages! How've you been?" Sheila looked to Brooke, blinking a few too many times for her to really be Brooke's friend.

"Brooke! How, charming to see you!" She said, looking slightly disdainful. "I've been alright. Finally got my divorce with Michael after you two had sex in my bathroom, then you took him with you on your trip to Mexico with your other boyfriends." Brooke stiffened as she stole a drink from the guy next to her and took a deep drink.

"Ah right, yes." She said, losing her nerve a bit. "Well, um, they have names, Ben and Tucker, and they are not my boyfriends. They are friends, who just so happen to be boys!" The other woman laughed.

"Oh puh-lease, Brooke! I know you and Ben Wheeler were dating for a while!" She told her. "That is, until you and the dwarf had a fun night of your own! What's next, you're going to go after the giant?" Brooke clenched her glass tighter, and Riley furrowed her eyebrows.

"How did you know that Brooke had dated Ben?" The two women looked to Riley, one smirking at her dress.

"You must be Riley Perrin. The nanny. For both the baby and the drunkard here." Brooke's grip grew tighter. "I live right underneath of your little posse. I hear everything. I'm surprised that baby's survived this long in your care." The glass cracked.

"Don't you dare talk about Emma." She growled. "What is going on in our apartment is none of your business." The woman raised her eyebrows.

"Your apartment? All of your's? Even that big blonde bimbo? With her drinking problems, I'm surprised that you can afford pathetic little scraps of material you call a dress, Perrin."

That did it. The glass exploded in Brooke's hand, and she reached over and took the other woman by the collar of her mini jacket so fast, Riley didn't even blink. Brooke's teeth were gritted, and with every word, she spit a little, her brown eyes in the light looking like they were filled with blazing fires.

"Don't. You. Dare. Talk to Riley like that. And don't you dare talk about my friends like that. They are not just my friends, they are my family, and if you insult my family, you'll be wishing you never lay eyes on Brooke Michelle Rucker. Got it?" The woman nodded, her sweat that ran down her face mixing with the saliva that Brooke had spat on her, Brooke had dragged her so close.

"O-Okay! I swear! I won't ever talk about them like that again! In fact, I won't ever talk to you again! That okay?" Brooke threw her against the bar.

"Get out." She growled. "I don't want to see your ugly, bitch faces ever again. No one, gets away with insulting my friends." The two women were out of the bar faster than anything.

After they had left, Bonnie finally showed up, her dress cut a little. "Okay!" She yelled, grabbing a shot glass from the bar. "Who was the wise guy who took Andre's keys?" Brooke didn't answer her. Instead, she took the shot glass from her hand, drained it, then slammed it down on the bar.

"Lets go dance girls." She told them, calming down. Riley nodded, still a bit shaken, but Bonnie gave a loud whoop, and the three girls hit the dance floor.


After a few hours of dancing and a lot of liquor, Bonnie soon vanished with one of the bartenders, and Brooke found a guy coming up behind her and putting his hands on her hips, grinning seductively.

"Hey. Is this ass taken?" He asked her, and she smiled back, shaking her head.

"Nope, which means its your lucky day. I got a nice new thong and I grew two bra sizes, so these puppies are prettier." That was when a clearly drunk girl came giggling over.

"How neat!" She said loudly. "My sister grew two bra sizes too! Course, she's -urp!- pregnant." Brooke's face drained of colour at the drunk girl's words.

"P-P-Pregnant?" She panted, Riley noticing from where she was talking to another guy and hurried over.

"Brooke? Brooke, are you alright?" She asked, not wanting a repeat of earlier.

"Yeah, she's fine!" The drunk girl told Riley, the guy backing off a bit, unsure what was happening. "I just told her that my sister grew two bra sizes too, because she was pregnant!" Thud! Brooke was on the floor, fainted.

(Before I forget! I have this book, see, called WARNING: SPOILERS, where I write future chapters for all my books! And I believe that there are four chapters in there for this one if you're interested!)

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