Ding Dong, Riley's Gone

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Danny didn't know what he was walking into when he walked back into the apartment.

"Hey, Mom, I'm back!" That a when he saw Coach Hayes coming out from the hallway, wearing his bathrobe! "Coach?" Hayes jumped at Danny's voice.


"What are you doing here?" Danny demanded. "In my robe?" Hayes shook his head.

"It's not what it looks like." Danny furrowed his eyebrows.

"I'm pretty sure that's my robe." That was when Bonnie walked in, tying herself into Tucker's robe.

"Hank, you ready to go in for round two...?" She asked, stopping as soon as she saw Danny.

"It's exactly what it looks like!" Danny shouted.

"Wheeler, calm down!" Hayes shouted back, but Danny was far from calm.

"No, I'm not going to calm down." Bonnie held up her hand.

"Hank, I'll handle this." Then she looked to Danny. "Danny, calm down." Hayes waved his hands in a simmer down position, trying to get everyone to stop shouting.

"Maybe I should just get dressed and then we-" Danny wouldn't let him finish. He just grabbed him by the shoulder and shoved him towards the door. "...or I could just go." Hayes finished.

"Hank, no." Bonnie tried, but Danny was already shoving Hayes out the door.

"Hank, yes."

"Honestly, Wheeler, listen, if you would just give me two seconds-"

"One two." Slam! The door shut, and Bonnie put her hands on her hips.

"Oh, Danny, nothing was going on here." Danny gave her a look.

"I've heard that before. I believe Dad called it wrestling." That was when Bonnie remembered

"Wait. You were supposed to grab soda for Brooke!" Danny's face went white as he tried to think of an excuse.

"They were out of the orange kind."

"Sprite." Bonnie reminded him, throwing up her hands. "You are unbelievable! Do you know what went on here this afternoon? We babysat. That's it. But when we tried to feed Emma, she flung mashed bananas all over everything we were wearing." Danny nodded, remembering his own experience with Emma and mashed bananas. It hadn't been pretty.

"Oh, yeah, she hates those." Then he furrowed his eyebrows. "So you weren't-"

"Hooking up with a guy I barely knew while I'm supposed to be babysitting?" She asked sarcastically. "No! Please! I'm not Grandma. Now if you'll excuse me, I still have banana in my bra." Then she headed for the bathroom.

"So you really-"

"No, we didn't!" She shouted, interrupting Danny, just as Brooke came in, rubbing her eyes.

"Yo, what's with all the yelling?" She asked tiredly. "I was asleep." Danny sighed, falling against the door.


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