Crush Much? (long imagine)

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"So the one and only Calum Hood has a huge crush one you! How does that feel, Zoe?" Ellen deGeneres exclaimes. "Well to be honest I do not know a thing about 'the one and only Calum Hood'. So I geuss normal?" I ask more than stating it. "Oh nooo ! You have to go and stalk him ! Let's do it now on the show! How do you guys feel about it !" Ellen asks the crowd and they scream their heart out. "Ok, fine." I say giving up. "Ok, Zoe, here is some fun facts for you he's 19, Australian and in a band called 5 Seconds Of Summer!!" Ellen says to me a bit too excited this time. I laugh and say "I know that he's in a band ! I'm not that stupid" I say smiling at Ellen. "Well I geuss you should stalk him on the internet after you get back from their concert !" Ellen exclaimes and holds out 2 tickets to their concert for tonight ! "Oh my ! Really why ?!" I ask and burst out in laughter. Ellen end the show with a classic Ellen dance.

I get home and change into comfy clothes. I call my friend Tash and tell her the news. She comes to mine and we get ready for the concert tonight. Tash wears a black crop top with high wasted jeans her hair is loose and she's got natural make up on except her lipstick is red. I'm dressed in a black and white jumpsuit with a smokey eye look for my make up.

We get to the venue on time and we get to our seats that are VIP seats, thanks Ellen ! We have small talk until there pops up a 10 on the stage and it's counting down
The boys run up on stage and the lead singer witch I think is names Luke yells in the microphone "Hello LA !!" And the melody of Good Girls start and every single person in this stadium starts singing along. This was amazing ! The amount of support they got in here was just crazy. They sing a few songs and I look at 'the one and only Calum Hood' he looks at me and I just give him a smile and wink. Calum is blushed a bright red colour. Tash saw and leans closer to me and says "Did you just.... and he's.... ohh my word look look !!!" She yells over the music and points at the drummer I think his name is Ashton. Calum and I hope his name is Ashton are looking at us and smiling looking like tomatoes.

They end the show with their new hit She's Kinda Hot. I looked around and saw a huge amount of girls bawling their eyes out for some reason. This random girl screams somehow louder than the rest of the crowd my name and the band's eyes just widen and looks over to Calum. I see a tall and really muscullin guy walking towards me and Tash. He finally reached where we were sat down "Come on girls the band wants you backstage!" He says motioning us to follow him. "But we don't have backstage passes.." Tash says quite confused. He just rolls his eyes and says something that I can't hear because of all the screaming girls. Tash raises her eyebrows at me and says that we'll have to follow him.

We get safely backstage after getting mobbed like a thousand times. We hear a cackle sort of laugh coming from the other room. "Come on it'll be fun plus they're hot so it's worth it!" Tash says a bit too loud and I know that because I see the red headed boy's head pop into the room with a huge grin on his face "Yeah, we are hot so come on baby I'm worthit!" Michael I think sings a bit and laughs harder than anyone can. I just shrug it off that I have a meeting tomorrow morning at 7 am. How early! I honestly hate mornings it's the worst part of the day from the most perfect dream to waking up in a nightmare ! We enter the room and they stand in a straight line. The one with blonde hair says "I'm Luke" I knew it! "He's Ashton" he points at the curly headed boy, also knew it. "Micheal" he points at the one with red hair, again I knew it! "And the most important Calum!" He says pointing at the one with his face coloured like a tomato.

We hang out for what seems like forever. Until 'the party pooper' AKA me "Guys I have a meeting tomorrow at 7 in the morning! Yes, I know thats bloody early! So I gotta get home anyone wanna give me a ride ?" I ask with a small smile. " I'll give you a ride !" Calum says.

We get in the car and I give him the addres and we're off.
(C-Calum Z-Zoe)
C- I'm sorry
Z- For??
C- Having a crush on you when I didn't even meet you...
Z- Stop
C- What ?!
Z- No seriously stop the car and climb out..
C- Why ?
Z- Just do it !

Calum stops the car and climbs out. He walks to where you're stood. You push him against the car and kiss him before he can say a word. Atleast Calum kisses back because it would just be awkward if he didn't I mean. 'He's a great kisser' you thought to yourself. He backs away slowly to get some air. You pant, he pants. All you can hear is pants in the air.

"Why ?" Calum asks with a really shocked look on his face. "Because your cute and I'd like to keep in thouch now drive me back home I've got a really small bladder witch is going to burst soon so...." you say not too harsh. Calum chuckles and drives you back home.

Sorry for my grammar/spelling mistakes my first language isn't English...


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