Meet my parents.

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Okay, so I know I've said that I don't wanna write cliche stuff, well, that'll start after this imagine! So, enjoy this feel free to send in requests and have a lovely day/night!

Peace out, PurpleBunny


I was currently driving towards my child-home. I looked to my left and saw my distraught boyfriend. His eyes were wide, he gulped hard and he's tense. He seemed to be spacing out quite a lot. I gently took his hand in mine and squeezed his hand for reassurance. "Hey, it'll be okay." I said still staring at the road. "What if they don't like me. What if they decide you have to marry a guy they chose. What if-" "Calum, there's no what if's. If they don't like you it still wouldn't change us. They're just gonna have to deal with us. Whether they like you or not I love you and they can't do shit to change us' let alone break us up." I said still holding his hand and trying to stay strong. I was stressed to say the least.

We got to our home. I searched for my old house keys and opened the front-gate. When my parents heard a car driving in they rushed out to say hello. I grew up in the one and only England, Brighton to be exact. I'm a full time Youtuber which makes it slightly easier for me and Calum as I didn't have a specific place to be 24/7. Yes, I have my management but we normally have meetings on Skype, if I wasn't anywhere near London. I gave my mum a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. Once I got to my father he picked me up and spun me around. 'Wow, how to make a scene.' I thought. "Okay, parents Calum, Calum parents." I looked at Calum and gave him a small smile. "So, you're the Calum we've heard so much about." My mumaid giving him a hug and a warming smile. "Well, I hope so."

We walked in and went straight to our living room. "So, Y/n tells us here that you're in a band?" "yeah, we're 5 seconds of summer. We're not that good though. We suck."Calum said nonchalantly. "Oh, please. Don't believe him he's an idiot." I said annoyed at Calum for saying his band isn't famous. "Oh ouch" Calum said groping his 'heart'. "But Y/n here has recently his 2 million subs!" Calum said intentionally to brag. "I've heard. Y/n won't you come help me with food for a second?" my mum asked me nodding her head to the kitchen.

Calum's POV

There went my savior, my knight and shining armor, into the kitchen with her mum. Now I'm most certain I'm gonna die because her father's stare made me wanna hide under a blanket. "How long?" her father ask. "Hmm? What?" I said confused about what he was referring to. "How long have you stolen my princess?" He said stern. This was when I knew I was gonna die. "Hahahaha, just kidding youngster. You need to calm down you seem like a nice young lad. The real question is whether she still watches that, uhmm, what's the name?" "Anime?" I asked. "Yes! Well, does she?" he said. "Unfortunately, yes she does." I said remembering the time she told me that she might love Levi more than me. "Ah no, is Levi still her so called senpai?" he asked brushing through his thick eyebrows. "Yes, always was, always will be." Y/n said poking her head out the door. "Y/n, get back in here!" Mrs. Y/s called for her causing for her to vanish. "Does that answer your question?" I said. Mr. Y/s nodded looking down.


"Uhm, I'm gonna say this once but Calum.." Y/n said looking down rubbing her feet against each other, a nervous habit she had. "What? You know you can tell me anything." I said sending her an reassuring smile. "Yeah, I know but this isn't a usual you'll hear. So, please don't kill me." She said. "Okay, so you know how I watch anime?" She gulped down. "Yeah?" I frowned confused. "Yeah, uhm, here goes nothing but I might love Levi Ackerman more than you.." She said, I instantly burst out in laughter. "Yeah, I know." I said smiling gesturing for her to hug me. "Thank Emily, I got that off my chest." She relaxed in my arms. " Whose Emily?" "I don't know."

*End of flashback*

"So, you're telling me that Y/n said she might li-love Levi more than you?" Mr. Y/s said trying to catch his breath. "Yeah, I was so confused that day but she didn't have to tell me that as I already knew Levi was most likely her one and only." I said looking back at the kitchen hoping to see a glimpse of my girl. "That's not even that bad." I said smiling. " Wait there's more? Oh, yeah, cal me James." Mr-James said. "Yeah, there was one time when I was busy writing songs the whole day when I felt her hang on me and she said and I quote NOTICE ME SENPAI end quote." That was probably the last for James as he started crying as he laughed.

Y/n's POV

"Calum seems like a nice guy." My mum said smiling at me. "He really is." I said smiling to myself. "So, Y/n how long have you two dated for?" my mum asked looking at me quizzically. "Well, for two years now." I said. "Wow, that's an awful lot isn't is? It's a miracle that how haven't lost interest. I mean you always seem to." My mum said raising her eyebrows. "How could I? Have you seen him, he's hot mum! And he's interesting. I learn new things about him everyday!" I said almost losing it. "Yeah, honey. I saw Zoe and Alfie out today. I said hello." My mum said starting to help me loading the dishwasher. "Oh, really I haven't seen them in ages! How are they, from what you could see of course." I said looking at my mum with a frown. "It seems they're happy. She and Alfie seem like a great couple!" my mum said.

*** Time skip ***

"SO, mum it's been great seeing you guys and all but we need to check in our Hotel before the think we're not coming." I said hugging my parents. Once I reached my dad he whispered in my ear "He's a keeper, honey. I love him." He pulled away smiling. Once we were done saying goodbye we were driving home. "It went absolutely great! I don't know why I was so stressed!" Calum said smiling at me. "I told you. My dad said he liked, no, in fact he loves you and I think my mum feels the same." I said looking straight in front of me trying to keep a straight face. He instantly jolted up freaking out I heard loads of profanities spilling from his mouth. 'What a potty mouth' I thought breaking into a smile. "Are you serious or is this a cruel joke?" Calum asked looking at me. "Truth." I said seeing him freak out once again. 'Why did I choose this guy?' I asked myself. I started laughing when I heard him say "Y/n I have to tell you something. I might love... your parents more than I love you." I gasped pretending to be hurt. We both broke out in laughter.

'Man how did I score this guy?'

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