CAMP!! **2**

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Calum's POV

I looked at y/n and almost died. She's literal perfection, although she doesn't think that of herself. I honestly wish she saw herself the way I saw her. "Hey, you gonna wake her up or are you just gonna stare at her like a total creep?" Aiden, Michael's girlfriend, asked me. "Nah, I'll just stare at her" I smiled pointing at y/n. "Take a picture it'll last longer." y/n said groggily as she just woke up.

We got up and got outside. "Oh Neptune. IT IS COLD AF." y/n said shivering her arse off. "Well, go get a jacket then. I guarantee you it'll keep you warm." Ava said gesturing toward her baby blue jacket. "Yeah only if the jacket wants you warm, babe." Luke said kissing Ava's cheek. "I mean obviously the jacket has a choice." I said laughing. "Nothing has a choice everything is doomed." Kira said after getting out her and Ash's tent. "Yeah, yeah stop being so down." y/n said smiling at her friend. "No, just stating reality.. Oh, no.. I.. I... I AM KIDDING!!" Kira said laughing. "Yeah, no joke." Ash said. "Are we gonna eat or what?" Ava said groping her sromach. "Right now, love, chill for a bit." Aiden said laughing.

Kira's POV

"Hey!! That's not fair I can't reach the water!" y/n screamed as Calum kept splashing her with water. Her arms were too short to reach the water. I fimd that adorable that she's so small but yet so vicious. "It's not my fault you're short!" Calum said laughing and hugging her.

We were currently at a lake canoeing but failing miserably. "I love them." I said to Ashton and pointing to y/s/n (your ship name) "Yeah, remember those days when they were 'just friends'" Ashton said laughing. "Oh, those were the days." I said putting emphasis on 'the'. "You gotta-"
"Oh my bloody sh*t. I hate you!! Why?! You should've just sat down!" Aiden said groaning as she and Mike fell into the water. We all started to laugh but Ava had a heartattack because she saw Mike dissapear underwater. Quickly all of us were tipped over and in the water. "There let's swim." "We have a pool, Michael we can swim there." Ava said quite annoyed as she was wearing white. I told her she had to wear another piece of clothing. "It's not the same effect, plus everybody in the campsite swims there. I bet everybody pees in there." Mike said cringing at the thought. "I bet there's no pollution in this water I mean you can obviously see the bottom." I said sarcastically. All the girls agreed and went outside as it was gross. And as usual the boys stayed in the water.

Calum's POV

"Babe, come on the water's not that cold!" Luke yelled right next to me. Ava ignored his request just like the last hour. "Dude, give up." I said "Once she's mad she's mad no changing that." Luke actually pissed Ava off by throwing her back in the water a few minutes ago. He souldn't have done that... "Why?" Luke said quite dissapointed. "Well, I'm gonna join the girls out ghere 'cause ot's getting cold." I said swimming to the shore and hearing some muffled agrees. "We're back, missed us." Ashton said strutting out of the water. "Barely." Kira said with all the girls agreeing. "Wow, I feel ssoooo welcome." Michael said faking a tear. "Well, you shouldn't. You tipped us over, remember. Oh, wait, you probably don't. Since you have a brain of a goldfish." Aiden said sarcasrically. "Elephant, actually, a brain of an elephant." Mike said sitting down next to her and grabbing his towel. Thank goodness we came prepared.

Y/n's POV

We just got a stop at home to chamge clothes since ours were dirty and taking a massive speaker to listen to music as we watch the sunset. "What do I wear. Do I wear bloody warm clothes or bloody nothing." I said staring into my bag. "I'm okay with nothing I mean you're pretty sexy." Calum said walking to me and wrapping his toned arms around my waist. "Nah, I think I'm gonna go for clothes."

We got back to the lake. This time only me amd Calum since we wantdd some time alone and the others had the great job of cooking some food. "What are we gonna listen to?" Valum said scrolling through hos playlist. "Some Pvris or some The 1975?" Calum said turning towards me. "The 1975 but start with Love Me. I love that song." I said and instantly started dancing once I heard the song start.

Me and Calum were listening to The 1975's new album and danced as we watched the sunset.. it was so
aesthetically pleasing since I was inlove with sunsets.

↑↑↑↑GIF ABOVE↑↑↑↑

We got to the campsite and ate in silence since we were all starving. "Heyyy, Calum play some tunes!" With that Calum played songs and we were all singing along to all the songs that were playing. What a great way to end the day. Just as I thought that a massive yawn escaped my mouth. "Yeah, I feel you y/n. I'm gonna sleep, you coming?" Ava asked Luke. They went to bed and I went too but Calum didn't join 'cause he wanted to chill with the fire for a while.

Just as I was almost asleep Calum zipped the zip open and instantly we both fell asleep. But before we fell asleep we cuddled amd kissed each other goodnight. I hope tomorrow's just as fun as today.. was the last thought in my mind.



Calum Hood Imagines Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora