Lost and in love

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This is gonna be a King!AU just modernised.

Sorry I've been away for months... I just couldn't write anything. I haven't written anything in the last few months so if this sucks I'm terribly sorry.


Your nails dragged down your silky, white dress in attempt to rip it to pieces. You looked forward into the mirror that reflected a beautiful princess, you. Your lips were stained in a blood red colour, your hair in a flawless up do and your curves were perfectly outlined  with white lace. You looked into your own eyes and saw pain. You didn't want to marry, not yet at least. Your dad had a contract with another kingdom, which was the eldest son,as well as the eldest daughter shall marry. Unfortunately, you were the only daughter in your family, therefore you had to marry the Prince of that Kingdom. You remembered the first day you met him. His hair was swept to the side and his face flawless. He had a laid-back attitude and you almost never saw him in formal clothes.

You were snapped out your thoughts when your personal maid entered the room. Her eyes were glued to the ground as she gathered all her things and left quietly. A heavy sigh left your mouth that didn't go unnoticed by your father. He stood by the door waiting patiently for his daughter to walk towards him. You did just that when you made eye contact with him. 

You stood behind huge doors. Your heart was beating faster and faster as time passed. The doors opened to a crowd staring straight into your soul. Your dad started walking and that was the moment you heart stopped, all time stopped and you felt like everything was closing in on you. You walked further, though. As you handed your colourful flowers to your bridesmaid, this girl was apparently you soon-to-be-husband's sister, Mali-Kao. She was a beauty just like her younger brother. 

As you and Calum exchanged your vows and walked hand in hand out of the church you realised that you'll have to visit both you and his kingdom to celebrate your wedding. You entered the car with a helping hand from Calum. Just as you started departing you saw Calum loosening his tie with a heavy grunt. Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion. Why would he-

"Take off your heels, Y/N." Calum said pointing to your six inch heels. You did as he said and removed your heels feeling instantly better. He chuckled when he saw your body fall against the chair. "When are we going to the kingdom?" you asked with a soft voice. "In 2 months." he said nonchalantly. Your body sprung forward fully confused now. He looked at you before realising it, you didn't know.

 "We're going on a Honeymoon first.."


You entered in the sweet with Calum's jacket on your shoulders. Your eyes lit up when you saw the big bed with rose petals all over it. You set your backpack down in front of the closet doors. You turned around and ran up to Calum and hugged him tightly.  You sunk into him and pushed him onto the rose petal covered bed. You pushed him under the blanket and took off your awfully dress and lied under the covers with only underwear on with Calum beside you. You grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, only to be met with your face. 

"You really did look stunning today."

Your head snapped into the direction of that voice and made eye contact with Calum. You looked up at the ceiling and blushed deeply. You bit your lip and changed the channel to a comedy channel. Your eyes drifted closed and you dozed into a long deserved sleep.


Your body instinctively moved towards the warmth next to you when the cold from the outside world. Your body hit a hard back and that was when you woke up. You quickly tried to move back but Calum refused to allow you to escape as he wrapped his arms around your exhausted body. He pulled you closed into him and tangled your legs together. Your head rested on his chest. You lied there with your eyes closed and your mind occupied by the breath that is continuously blowing against your neck. 

When you agreed to marry a complete stranger you didn't think you'd be cuddling him the night you became husband and wife. 


You woke up again only this time no warmth could be found near you. You groaned and rolled onto your side and started to smell food. You opened your eyes and saw Calum in a white robe cooking for you. You stood up. As your feet made contact with the cold tiled floor goosebumps arose upon you skin. You hugged your body and shivered. You quickly grabbed the blanket and covered your goosebump  covered body and walked towards the sizzling on the pan.

You stood next to Calum and loudly sniffed making him jump. You laughed and dropped the blanket but you completely forgot you only had you underwear on. Calum gasped and quickly turned towards the sizzling bacon. Only then you realized you were half naked in front of a stranger. You ran towards the bathroom. The door slammed shut. You laughed and exited the bathroom this time fully covered by the same robe Calum was wearing. 

You ate in silence and quietly thanked Calum for the food. You stood in his arms one again because according to Calum you were warmer than his robe. He picked you up and walked slowly towards the bed and collapsed onto the white blanket making crushed rose petals fly all over the place. He turned to you and wrapped his one arm around you waist and the other held his head up to keep looking at you. 

"So, who would you say is Y/N?"

"Well, I don't know-"

"What was your childhood like, tell me everything so I can know what my wife's like."

"Uh, my childhood was okay, I guess." His eyebrows knitted together.

"Well, my mum for one wanted me to be perfect, so she forced me to learn every instrument there possibly is, she had me going to voice lessons which, mind you, went to complete waste because I can't sing to save my life" 

His hand pulled me closer.

"Then you get my dad.. He kinda was too protective. I wasn't allowed to converse with any living boy. He forced me to wear all these stupid dresses that cover up too much, during the summer that is. He didn't let me go to a public school and instead I got a tutor that was a woman. I know what a surprise. So, yeah, my childhood was boring to say the least."

His face was inches away from mine by now and his eyes only reflected admiration. His eyes flicked to my lips. I bit my lip and turned away. My finger jabbed his chest while I asked him who he was. He was raised in a normal family, he went to public school, he had loads of friends, he wasn't forced to stay in a huge house. He laughed as he recalled when he bit his sister making her hit him across the face. You looked at the blanket and played with your fingers feeling embarrassment from your childhood. This was when he pulled you closed and kissed your forehead. 

"Who said you have to have a great childhood. You can have a great rest of your life with me, your husband."

This was when he pulled you as close as he possibly can and kissed you with passion. 


It has been 5 years of being married to him. He still kissed you with passion. You both moved far away from your kingdoms, disappointing you father deeply but you couldn't care at all because you were lost and in love. You had a better, free life with Calum. 

Calum Hood Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang