Treat You Better *song pref*

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"He's just complicated, Calum." I said my hand going through my hair. Me and Cal, as usual, were fighting 'cause of my current boyfriend, Jason. "You always say that, y/n. When will you realize he's a idiot. You deserve someone better..." Calum said clearly frustated. "Calum, he's my only choice. I don't have money, let alone an apartment." I said looking down at my hands feeling dissapointed at myself, I just couldn't land a job that pays enough money. Jason may treat me like I'm his maid but it's way better than being sat outside in the snow asking for money. "I gotta go, Calum. Sorry, bye." I said hugging Calum goodbye. If only he understood the pain of having no money. He'll never understand HE'S FREAKING FAMOUS!

I got home and just as I entered I heard screaming. Oh, Black Ops.. "Hey, Jase. Nice to see you Andrew." I waved slightly at Andrew, who's Jason's bestest friend. I hate him. "It's Andy, Jesus." Dear Lord i hate this kid. He's a pest. "Do you guys want anything?" "Nothing." "You sure I'm gonna make me some tea." "No! Just leave for God's sake !!!!!" As usual Jason yelled at me. After I made myself tea I obeyed Jason's orders and put on some Netflix. I was just cuddled up all snug, until Jason stomped into our room. "Yeah." I asked really annoyed. "Go make me some coffee." Jason ordered. "Seriously, I literally JUST asked you if you wanted anything." I was beyond pissed by now. Jason gave me the 'I'M LITERALLY GONNA KILL YOU NOW' look. Better go make him some coffee then.

He's not right for you.

Calum won't stop bugging me about Jason. I knew Calum hated Jason at the start but I thought Jason would grow on him. Obviously never did. If he could've, Jason actually pissed Calum off more. I remember when Calum first came up to me and told me that Jason's lying. He didn't ever lie though. If anything Jason was one of the most honest guys that I know.

Any girl like you deserves a gentle man.

As I got into the room I saw Jason's phone. He got a text. It's maybe just one of his friends. Might be Andre-Andy. I checked on his phone who it was as I was very curious who texted him. Part of me told me not to but another part urged me to look. So, I did.

Babe. I need you. Here. I'm gonna touch myself, please.

Jessica, who the hell is JESSICA ?! "Hey, babe, did you make the coffee?" I pointed at his cup of coffee. I was beyond curious now. I hope she didnt mean what I thought she meant. Obviously she meant what I thought she did. "You have a text. Jason, who's Jessica?" Jason's head whipped up. "Did you go through my phone?" I just sat there patiently waiting for my answer. "Answer me!"Jason screamed. "Yes, I did. Now, Jason, who the actual shit is Jessica?" I started to get impatient by the second. "Are you cheating on me?" Tears started to prick at my eyes. "No, she just got my number. Ok, just don't cry. You look ugly when you cry." Jason said chuckling at his so called 'joke'.

Few months later.

"Yeah, it's like I was stood right in front of him. He was only in my computer screen." I laughed. "How majestic !" Me and Cal were walking home, to me and Jason's home. As we were entering the house we heard an echoing moan. A moan? I quickly looked at Calum with tears threatenig to spill. I ran as fast as I could to our bedroom. Once I got there I immediatly swung the door open and saw a Jason having sex with a Jessica.. Before I knew it tears were flowing down my cheeks and slowly falling to the ground. I looked at Jason for an explanation. I got dragged out by who knows what. "Come, we need to get out of here." Calum said dragging me. "I..what?" I said trying to wrap all this new information around my, Calum dragged me as my own feet couldn't carry me away. Once we were out reality hit me. I don't have a place to live anymore.. I don't have money. My boyfri-ex boyfriend just cheated on me.. I started crying and I sunk to the ground just weeping, I wasn't just weeping, no, y'know the scene in Alice In Wonderland where she starts crying and her tears full up the whole room? Well, that's me I was sure I was gonna cry a river, not even, an ocean. That's a more accurate discription. "Hey, it'll be fine-" Calum started sitting down next to me. "No, where am I going to stay? I don't know anything, Cal, I-I just.." "Hey. Hey. Come here it's gonna be okay. Like always." Calum hugged me and kissed the top of my head. After a few minutes of just sobbing Calum stood up and picked me up walking towards his apartment. Once we were there he put me down on his bed and he climbed in with me. He started cuddling me. His warmth was so welcoming. The way he cuddled was not just a poor you it was more of a loving way. He spooned me he held me so tightly like I was the only life left on earth that couldn't slip away. So he held me, I didn't like that I wasn't facing him so I turned around. I instantly held his shirt and burried my head in his neck, he smelt like cologne to say the least. He hugged me closer, if it was possible, and nuzzled his head against my head. "Y'know, Y/n, you could've prevented this if you listened to your old pal." Calum whispered. "I'- Calum I know it's just that he was the only source of food and shelter in my life." I said trying to get closer to his warmth. "Y/n, I need to tell you something." I looked up and nodded. "I li- I'm head over heels for you. I've gone out of my mind please, babe, I love you so much Y/n. I can treat you better and any girl like you deserves a gentle man. I just want to give you the loving that you're missing. Baby, just to wake up with you would be everything I need and this can be so different." I looked in Calum's eyes. "Are you serious? You literally just quoted Shawn Mendes' song! And yes. I'll go on a date with you." I grabbed his face and kissed him so pasionately. He instantly kissed back. He rolled me on top of him, his hands were positioned on my hips as mine were messing up his hair. We broke apart to catch a long held breath.

"Thank you."
"Everything, Cal, you're the best."
"Right back at you."
"I'm tired."
"Let's sleep then, love."
"Love you.."
"Love you to the end of the universe and back."

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