Blind date?

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Hey! Yeah, I'm updating more now! Sorry for mistakes and all that jazz. 

This is an Angel AU. Calum is the angel. 

Prompt - an immortal agreed to go on a blind date



You walked towards the small coffee shop you agreed to meet at. Your hands were sweaty and your face was pale from stress. You had agreed your best friend to go on a blind date. The guy you were meeting was handsome to say the least. His soft plump lips with his messy hair seemed to take your breath away. You've honestly been imprinting his face in your mind in hopes that you wouldn't forget his face. You looked up with squinted eyes and recognized the shop's name off the bat. This was the place. The place would either meet the love of your life or just another stranger whose face started to blur over time. You walked in and scanned all the tables trying to find him. You saw a bundle of messy hair behind a menu. He looked past his menu and met your eyes. A small smile lifted upon your lips. He stood up and waved you over. You were engulfed in a hug when you reached him. He smelled good, really good. You stepped back and went to your seat, that was pulled away from the table by him and got pushed in by him. What a gentleman. He sat down and smiled gently at you. "You came just on time. I was starting to get hungry!" He said with a chuckle. You giggled and lifted your menu.  You a ordered drinks and started talking. You shared stories about your childhood and your college days. 

"Yeah, my mom's been nagging me when I'm going to bring someone home every time I go to visit her! Like mom, nobody likes me okay!" Calum said as the waiter placed our pancakes down. You both hummed in delight as the sweet smell of syrup and cinnamon engulfed the air around us. We both greedily grabbed our knives and forks and started to eat like animals. After you two vacuumed your pancakes down your throats, the waiter came over with a particularly disgusted look on her face and took our plates away. We both laughed at her and started making jokes. He paid for the meal and stood up grabbing my hand. "We're gonna need to burn some calories from that pancake! Are you ready?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. We walked towards the park and he sat down in the middle of the open field and waited for you to join him. You stood there with creases in between your eyebrows and tilted your head to the side. You jumped when you suddenly heard the words, she's so cute. You looked around and nobody around you and you looked at Calum. "Did you say something?" He frowned and shook his head. You sighed and sat down next to him.

"Didn't you say we're gonna burn some calories?" 



"Knock knock."-year-old year

You frowned. "Who's there?"


"Banana who?"

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"


"Banana who?"

"Knock knock"

"Who's there?"


"Orange who?"

"Orange you glad I didn't say banana?"

You laughed at this remembering that you had the humor of a 9 year old girl. You tried to stop yourself from laughing only to fail badly. Calum smiled and said:

"You burn more calories when you laugh." 

You nodded with a smile. You fell to the grass and looked up to the clouds. Calum joined you. Your heart thanked your mind for not saying no to this blind date. "I think she's the one." At this you jumped up and whipped your head around looking for someone but the only person near you was a very concerned looking Calum. You shook your head trying to rid that voice from your thoughts. Telepathy wasn't possible right? Was telepathy even a thing? You had no idea.

The day went on smoothly and no 'telepathy' instances happened again that day until you climbed into your uber. "Dude, I swear she was perfect, her eyes were shining, her smile was perfect and her laugh was so contagious. I shouldn't have agreed on this date. Mate, shes's got me real good." You frowned and told the uber driver to stop. You threw cash in his face  and swiftly left the car. Your feet dragged you towards the sound, even though it sounded like it was right beside you. You were determined to find out why you were hearing these voices, and who or what said it. 

You passed a bright alleyway and saw a bright light. Your face turned towards that light and there you saw the same dark brown hair, his face this time not covered by the menu but by 2 white wings. 

You gasped and jumped backwards. That seemed to catch the attention from the blond in front of Calum. He gasped and motioned to Caalum that there was something, or rather someone, behind him. He turned around and froze when he saw you. Your feet instinctively dragged your across the concrete towards him. You stood in front of him and tilted your head to the side. "Are you the person I keep hearing?" You asked Calum with a soft voice. "What?" he said looking behind him, seeking the help from the blond guy. "You can hear his thoughts?" The blond guy askeed with a serios tone. You nodded. He chuckled and whispered something in Calum's ear making him tense. The blond guy smiled at you and patted Calum's back and said a faint good luck mate as he left the scene. 

"Are you sure it's my thoughts you're hearing?" You nodded because when you'd heard the voice it was in his tone and there was no one to say it other than him. "W-well, I guess. How do I say this? Well, first of all, if you haven't noticed already I'm an angel and the other guy's name is Luke. He's the wisest one out of our group, the leader I guess you could say."

"But the reason you can hear my thoughts are,

You're my soulmate."

You gasped and stumbled back. "Yeah, I didn't know that this was a thing until now. I-if you're not ready for me it's fine you can live your life and then after all the chaos you can come to me? Only if you want to that is!" You giggled and hugged him. 

"Stop that, I'll be here as long as you want me to, but first I want you to explain this whole 'Angel' thing to me. How are you on earth and why am I, of all people, your soulmate?"

He laughed and dragged you into the door that let the brightest light escape....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2017 ⏰

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