I don't even know you

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Hey, I don't know whether this was good or not but I sure as hell enjoyed writing it. 

Soulmate AU

Warnings: Swearing. 



As I woke up I felt a pain on my wrist. I rolled over and groaned deeply. My mother stormed into my room with a huge cake in her hands. I stared at her and sighed. I sat up as she hummed 'Happy Birthday' to me. I leaned forward to blow the candles out and waited for my mum to do something. She stared at me and smiled as she aggressively yanked my wrist forward. She gasped and looked at me with a horrified expression. I looked at her with a questioning look. She sat down in front of me and placed her hands on my knee. "Guess I have to tell you... You're 18 correct?" I nodded as a crease formed in between my eyebrows. "Well, uh, on the day you are 18, your birthday, you get words on you wrist. Those words are the first words you will tell your soulmate." I gasped and started laughing. My mum stared at me with a questioning expression. "Mum, that only happens in movies, no way-" My sentence cut short when I stared at the black, curved words on my wrist. I stared at the words and laughed. "Did you give me a tattoo yesterday mum? Why is that on my wrist?" I asked as I questioned the possibilities as to why those words would appear on my wrist overnight. "If what you're telling me is true then the first words I will tell my soulmate are 'Fuck you too'. I never knew that I could be so vulgar." I laughed as I finished my sentence. "So here's your present, y/n. Be sure to read it well." My mum handed me a big brown book and shuffled out of the room. 

I took the book between my skinny fingers and stared at it. It read 'Soulmate' on the front. I opened the book and started reading.

Hello, today you have turned 18. This is the book that tells you how the soulmate situation works. First you should know that the words on your wrist are the first words you will tell your soulmate. Once you have met your soulmate you both will feel a very big attraction, now don't mistake the word 'attraction' for lust. That attraction will be love, lust comes later. If your soulmate has died you die as well. If your soulmate hurts him or herself know you will feel the pain as bad as it is. If your soulmate is happy you will fill with joy and so on. There are times when one person has 2 soulmates-

-if you fall in love with another man or woman you will be captured and executed. If you are unfaithful towards your partner you will be die on the spot. No other man or woman may touch you in a sexual manner, therefore you shall be sexually active once you have found your soulmate.-

-enjoy your search!

My face portrayed a look of confusion as I closed the book. I discretely stood up and picked out an outfit for school. I picked black jeans and a plain white shirt. I picked up my bag and walked towards the nearest starbucks. I walked in still thinking about the whole soulmate situation. As I walked in I came face to face with my best friend, y/f/n. You both bought a coffee and rushed towards your school. "What's wrong" she said as she abruptly stopped. I turned around and stared at her. "You turned 18 recently.. Uh, can I see your wrist?" She nodded and showed me her wrist with words on that read 'You look lonely'.I sighed and thought about my words, awfully vulgar words. I dropped her wrist and stomped into school. I sat down at the back of the class and sulked. A group of people walked my way. They stopped when they saw my sulking frame in the corner, their corner. A guy sat next to me and moved his table closer to  mine. I looked at him as if was crazy. He just smiled and sat still for the rest of the period. As the bell rang I sprung up on my feet and fled the room as fast as possible. I reached my locker and put away all my books and got other books out. I closed my locker and jumped when I saw the same guy from the class before stand there. He smiled his million dollar smile and let his eyes drift from mine to my outfit. I let my eyes drift onto his figure as well. He wore black skinny jeans with black converse. He had a navy blue shirt on with 'The maine' written on. He looked muscular but not too muscular and he has tattoos on his arm.

He grabbed my wrist and looked into my eyes as he said "You look, okay, I guess?" I scoffed at that and said fuck you too with an angry expression. My brain started to pound and my heart increased its beating. I clasped my head in my hands and groaned. The boy did the same but we both stopped when he wrapped his arms around my waist. I stared into his eyes. "What the hell is happening?" I asked getting lost in his chocolate brown eyes. He pulled me forward into him and said "I think I just found my soulmate." I gasped and stumbled backwards, only to be stopped by his hand. "I-I don't even know you." I said as I pushed his hand away from my waist. "My name is Calum Hood, I'm in a band with my 4 mates. I'm 18 and I plan to marry my soulmate. There are some facts" I scoffed and held my hand out greeting him. 

"Nice to meet you soulmate." 

"It's very nice indeed."

Calum Hood Imagines Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang