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I'm strolling through the mall going to every possible shop to take my mind off of Calum. He's been gone on tour for about approximately 6 Months. I basically died everyday. On the bright side I've found a random flower shop that smells like a summer day in a field of lilacs and roses. The flowers on the other hand are another story, their colours are as rich and eye-catching as the rainbows after a heavy storm. I've bought about a million of these stunning flowers. So much that every room in my -our- house has atleast 1 vase full of them.

Tomorrow was the day Calum was coming home. I have already done everything, cleaned the house, bought food... I needed something to kill the time. So, I came window shopping. I didn't need anything but I was curious as to what was in the stores. I was going through some clothes until I heard the faintest sound of my name calling out. I ignored it as I thought someone else was being called out. There, again, my name. Why on earth would somebody be shout-whispering my name. Again, I ignored it. I almost jumped out of my skin as someone, I don't know who though, abruptly touched my shoulder. "My god, I could swear you're deaf as shit!" Maddie laughs swiftly whippin her blonde locks behind her. "Sorry, I just.. don't know. Honestly, I don't know." I said wondering how Maddie has been. So, I ask her. She says nothing new. She brings up Calum and as usual I say "Calum's good, I think." After small talk Maddie finally left.

I eventually leave the mall. Get myself food. And I'm back on my sofa watching old episodes of Teen Wolf. Unfortunately I fell asleep. I woke up and looked at the time finding out it's 3 AM. Wow, well, let's go to bed.. At first I can't go back to sleep but after a few moment I'm fast asleep. I wake up to my alarm because I said I'll pick Cal up. Oh, the struggle. I pour myself coffee and start to get ready. Just as I was about to start do my make up I heard the front door open. At first I'm confused, cause (1) who came in (2) am I getting robbed or (3) is itnjust Cal. I'm currently standing infront of my mirror make up brush in hand and frowning like crazy. The footsteps got me out of my trans and I immediatly texted Calum asking him were he was.

C: I'm on the plane, babe. Why?
L: I'm currently hearing footsteps. And someone opened the door.
C: Why dont you go get the knife and check who it is, 'cause it sure as hell aint me.

Well shit. I'm dying today. This can bs suicide. Please God help me. I walk downstairs and hear a tapping sound in the kitchen. I reach it and see someone who I was least expecting it to be: my best friend Kate. "Kate , why the hell are you in here? I was so scared my ass might have fallen off..." I state looking at her. She has dark circles around her eyes. It looks puffy and she looks like she hasn't slept in about ages. "Joe, he..h-cheated" Kate said breaking down in sobs. I immediatly comforted her. I tell her she can stay here for awhile since she and Joe shared an apartment. Turns out Joe was having a little bit of pleasure plowing in a blonde slut with fake tan almost as bad as Donald Trump's. And Kate walked in on them. That might've been the cherry on top of the cake. Joe smirked at her and asked if she wanted to try a threesome. Kate refused and the blonde slut reportedly said "C'mon, babe, you'll enjoy it." Kate refused and stormed out without money or clothes. I informed Cal that it was only Kate.

Once I was done getting ready I started to drive to the airport. It was about an hour away. I caught traffic since everybody in LA wants to go to the airport it's fine... I finally got to the airport exhausted. I sat at the door listening to all the flights that had landed. Turn out Calum's plane landed hours before I got here. Great, how amazing is this. I called Cal and he didn't answer. Again and again, I was greeted, everytime I tried to contact Cal, with his voicemail. I wandered around the airport trying to find Cal or atleast a few members of the band. I saw from a distance a curly headed boy holding a poster up. As I got closer I started to make out the words on the poster Babe (Len aka John Lennon), I love you with all my life and soul. I missed you like crazy and I can't stand being without you at all. Will you..

I frowned and was greetdd with hands over my eyes. The scent smelled fimiliar. I just can't make out who it was. I was dragged forward with closed eyes. We halted to a stop and he uncovered my eyes. Poster boy: Ashton Eye closer: Luke Dragger: Michael. I saw almost the whole band but my boyfriend. Just as I was going to ask where the hell my boyfriend was he appeared with a bouqeut of roses. He smiled and gave me the roses I smelt it and it smelt better than the flowers from that shop. Suddenly Calum dropped to one leg was he gonna.. no, I mean yes. But damn this feels like a dream.

"Lennon Casey Brasington, I Calum Thomas Hood would be so greatful and I'll be the happiest person on earth, no, the happiest person in the universe to have you as my wife. So, John Lennon.

Calum said holding a beatiful diamond ring. I was speechless at this point, staring in his eyes. Tears welling up I nodded my head rapidly and smiled letting the tears drop as I let him place the ring on my finger. In that proses Luke somehow took the flowers and then Calum smashed his lips on mine picking me up and spinning me around. He hugged me and whispered softly in my ear "I can't wait to introduce you as Mrs. Hood. My future wife"

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