First Date

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Yesterday Calum confessed his feelings towards me and I obviously felt the same I mean it is Calum Hood after all. So when Calum confessed he asked me out to a carnival !

I started getting ready wearing a floral dress with sandals and for a change no make up, I hope Calum doesn't mind I was too lazy to put on make up. So at 11 am Calum picked me up. We drove to the carnival in an awkward silence for some reason.

We got to the carnival Calum jumped out and as I was about to exit Calum opened the door for me and motioned me to get out as I was exiting the car he said "Madam". "Thank you my knight in shining armor!" I said poshly but breaking the act by almost falling.

The day went on we went almost on every ride in the park but then as we were approching a roller coaster I stopped him and said "Calum, I'm hungry can we please eat first. But then wait 30 minutes after we ate 'cause I don't wanna throw up." I stated a bit too sassy. Calum agreed and we got food.

We're sat down at out table and I instantly lace my fingers in with Calum's. Calum at first looked a bit shocked but returned the favour. We ordered our food wich was a large pizza (we shared) and two waters.
Calum made small talk by asking about my family and so on.

After we ate we went to this one horror sort of ride witch you move really slow by get jumpscares all way through ! We got on that ride and had the most jumpscares a person could ever have. The whole way through I was snuggled up against Calum.

It was at the end of our date and he drove me back home in a not so awkward silence more like comforting silence. As he drove up the driveway of my house I wanted to rewind and live this date over and over again but unfortunatly I cannot... Calum again jumped out of his seat and opened my door for me. He walked me to my porch and stopped infront of the door. "This was amazing, thanks Calum." I said and looked at my feet. I felt Calum's fingertips underneath my chin to lift my head up to look at him in the eye. Before I can comprehend what's happening I felt Calum's soft, plump lips on mine. I instantly kiss back moving my hands to his hair and feel his hands land on my hips pushing me closer to him.


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