CAMP!! **1**

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"So what are your plans for this December?" the intervuewer asked as the boys' faces lit up. "Just the casual camping trip." Luke said trying to act casual. "Yep, very casual." Ashton said trying to stay serious as he and his band mates were overly excited that they were going to camp for a full week.

Y/n's POV

"Wake up !!! Wakey wakey eggs and bakey!!" Calum practically scrsamed in your ear. Why did I agree on going camping. It's still dark outside... AND I'm tired AND no wifi. Why??!!! you thought groaning in annoyance and pulling the duvet over your head. "Leave. Me. Alone." you grumbled underneath the duvet. "Well, you're just giving me no choice then. I'm gonna give you three seconds to stand up without me forcing this on you, y/n." Calum said seriously and sighing "1...2....3" and off went the duvet en you were fully exposed to the light. "F**k you, Calum Thomas Hood." you said looking Calum straight in the eyes. "Nah, I'm good-your sister already did." Calum said sassily and winking. "Really ?! Okay. She's lesbian by the way sooo. Hope you enjoyed that." you said looking at your nails and burst out in laughter with Calum.
"You got everything?" you asked wondering whether Calum does indeed have everything. "Yeah, you?" "Always."

You were currently on the mini bus that took you guys to the camping site. "I hope there's a pool 'cause damn is it hot." Aiden said fanning a paper across her face. "It's 'cause I'm here, love." Kira said pulling the bitchiest face I have ever seen. "Oh, you wish." Aiden said but burst out laughing. "Guys we're missing a soul here. Where's Ava, Luke. What did you do to her?" I said sarcastically accusing Luke of Ava dissapearing. "She is currently at our next stop. Because she was there for her new Instagram post." We all 'oh'ed in unision quickly understanding.

Ava got on the mini bus at the next stop and we got to the camp site and built our tents.

"I may be extremely unfit but that was ssooo exausting. Am I right or am I right." Ava commented sitting down while all the girls nodded. "Oh please you barely did a thing !" all the guys moaned. "Well then, why don't we go swim?" Kira said quickly bringing all our gasps back.


There we all basically wet everybody as we were jumping in and acting like children. At one point we got screamed at by a woman who supposedly had blow dryed her hair and that it cost her $100. But as we always do we screamed all at the same time "SHAME, POOR YOU !!" yes se were rude but that's our approach to literally everything.


After a well deserved pool party. We went back to out tents and started barbecuing our food as we were starting to half starve to death. "Guys this is the best stuff I've eaten!!" Ava groaned in satisfaction. We all quickly agreed as we were eating like pigs.


"Kay, I'm gonna sleep you coming." you said to Calum yawning. "Yes, please. BYE GUYS! Oh and Lava (Luke & Ava) don't be loud I actually want to sleep tonight." Calum joked as their tent were right next to ours.

"Hey, thanks for today it was amazing. Sorry I dodn't really talk to you I kust haven't seen the girls in ages." you said tiredly. "Same, here, babe." Calum said throwing his arm over you body so that you were in a spooning position. You grabbed his hand and kissed it and whispered a goodnight and fell asleep.


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