Ch. 8 Sneak Attack

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Aiden's P.O.V.

" I'm gonna keep it frozen here forever,

There's no regretting anymore,

Its worth the wait even so far away,

I'm making the night mine until the day I die,

No light to brake when your hang' in by fate..."

                                              -Lyrics to Alive by Krewella  


  Running back to the pack house could only be summed up into three words: what- just- happened? After Vixen left, we stood there slack-jawed. One minute, we were running to capture an escaping temptress and the next we see this kick-butt ninja take down a living sky scrapper. So I'll say it again, what just happened?

   Confused to the max, I reflect on what I really know about my mate. She has red hair and unusual, glowing purple eyes. Her powers of healing even surpass that of an alpha and, yet she is a rouge with scars that cover her body. I love her even though she is unknown to me in so many ways.

You are so whipped, my Beta says through the mind link.

I am not!, I growl back.

Is the little alpha lovey-dovey with the new pup?, he taunts.

ENOUGH,I AM YOUR ALPHA! I HOLD THE POWER TO KICK YOU OUT OF THE PACK! I would suggest you shut it and one more word about my mate and I will feed your sorry hide to the vultures!, I yell.


 For the rest of the run, I manage to keep my Beta quiet. Thank god to that! Even though deep down, I still can't get those glowing red eyes out of my head. How is it possible that she was able to change her eye color?

 I shiver just thinking about it. Her beautiful crystal blue wolf eyes and then in the next moment blood red, the color of a demon. Finally, the front door of the pack-house is visible. On the doorstep, I hesitate. Taking a deep breath, I step in to discover a pouting Alex and red faced mother. Let the part begin.

 "AIDEN, YOU STUPID MUTT! YOU HAVE NOW MADE OUR PACK A LAUGHING STOCK!", yells mother. Her blond hair is flying in uncontrollable tuffs all over her head. Her eyes glowing with the promise of punishment. Just let her try.

 "I do not care. Please get out of my way.", I respond pushing her out of the way. I'm tired of dealing with this. Can't she take Thumper's advice: If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all or in this case: Move to the left out of my way.

 "AIDEN GET BACK HERE! YOU WILL NOT IGNORE ME! I AM-", she screeches until I am out of earshot. Looking down, I relies my fist are clenched. My nails have bitten into my skin and crescent marks cover the inside of my palms. In my room, I smell the scent of Vixen. Its almost the best smell on Earth. Time to get some answers. Walking over, I reach for the doorknob. I twist and a come face to face with the tip of a sword......

Vixen's P.O.V. (Before she gets to pack house) 

 Panting heavy and bruised from the fight, I eased down to sit on the forest floor. The stars are shinning, almost as if they are gracing the Earth with their greatness. Looking down are my filthy sleeve, I think back on what happened an hour before. I let them see my curse, if only I could trust someone to tell them.

What about Aiden?, my wolf asks.

Can we really trust him? I mean, yes he has helped us, but we have trusted before and look what that got me. I refuse to let someone into my heart again. Not as long as I'm still breath 'in!, I argue.

Vixen he is our mate. Fate has given us a gift we can love. Its time to move on, she said.

You don't own me. I shall not do it!, I yell back.

 Fine then, we will talk about this later. Wait, we have to go get our sword. Chloe gave that to us. This will not do, she prims at me.

Chloe was my only friend until the day she died. She found me when I was ten, taught me to be a kick-butt, and taught me the wonders of books. I can still remember the day we met.


The bitter wind of mid-winter, froze me to the core. I had little; only a stolen, worn cape, a coat stolen from Goodwill, and a pair of sweatpants. I had no shirt and no shoes, though I greatly need them. Alone on an empty street, my bare feet scrapped the pavement. Tears had crusted my eyes and my heart ached will long ago betrayal, still fresh as any physical wound.

And there, on the side of this lonely back road, was a little house with a woman on the porch. She was young ,maybe twenty-eight. Her thick brown hair was tied up in a lose bun, but she had yet to see me. Trying to be discrete, I moved off into the shadows of the woods. I was nothing, but a dark creature of the misfits. Nobody wanted me, not even my own parents. Swiping a hand against my dripping nose, I was about to creep back into the forest until a voice stopped me. It was soft and flowed like honey.

"Hello, is anyone there. I can smell you.", she said to no one in particular. Soon though, she turned her stair at me. With a thump, she had turned into another wolf much bigger than me. Her fur was dark gray with a white patch over her eye. I was scared, was she going to hurt me to?

Slowly, she walked up to me and smelt my chest. My heart was beating a million miles an hour.

Shifting back, she grabbing my hand and introduced herself to me.

"Hi, my name is Chloe and I want to help you. Please, little one will you stay with me? I don't have any friends.", Chloe said. I swallowed my fear and nodded. She gently tugged me inside and lead me to my fate.

End of Flashback

A stray tear escaped my eye. Chloe had be diagnosed that she had breast cancer. She was a fighter, but she lost. My adopted mother, a rogue, left me to. Standing up, I ran back to were I had lost my sword. its wasn't very far, but the evidence of our fight was clearly visible. Fur and blood covered the dirt. Turning back around, I headed back to my new prison. 





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