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"Hurry Miguel their coming!"avalina yelled as the blue and red lights flashed outside of their hideout spot.

"Shit..shit....shit...what are gonna?"she said pacing up and down the room.

"Come here..."he said as he dragged her out the backdoor

"How are we gonna escape this one?"she asked scared

"Look...lina you know I love you right"he said to her

She nodded in response.

"I want you to know that I will always love you no matter and I have been through hell together and I'm thankful to God that you were here...just like me you just wanted the simple things and this love is a sure thing and I wish I could paint our love... paint these moments in vibrant colours...Avalina I just want you to be safe"avalina listened attentively to him.

She truly loves him and no words could describe how much love she felt for him.

Even though he said all of that it didn't feel enough to him...he would describe his love and affection to her all his life until he runs out of air if he could.

He always did things for the best of both of them even though sometimes he may seem selfish but his quick to remind her that all the things he does are for her.

"I'm about to do something and I know you won't approve but I need you run "he said

"Wait want me to run"

"No I need you to run...far far away from here...I'm going to surrender so that they don't come after you"he said

"Miguel wait!"she yelled with tears streaming down her face.

"Miguel I'm your ride or die and I need you here with me...I can't survive without you...if they arrest you I won't have anyone there for did say this love is a sure thing so I need you prove it to me by coming with me "she said

"This love is a sure thing and the only thing that can prove that is that if I come out jail and you still love me because I know it's going to hard for you to visit me"he said

"Cause even when the sky comes falling
Even when the Sun don't shine
I got Faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire baby
Even when it's do or die
Cause this love is a sure thing "he sang to her

They shared a final kiss and he murmured an I love you against her lips she replied the exact same way.

They pulled apart and she ran into the forest.

While hiding she watched as the police officers pulled him by the hair and cuffed him they were so cruel but Miguel didn't seem to care....

As long as she was completely safe.


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