Chapter 7

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Avalina P.O.V

I sat in Nancy's car because she offered to drive me to school.

"Listen Nancy I appreciate you being nice and all but I didn't want you and Natalie to hate each other"I said truthfully

"It's a sister thing to argue once in a while"she said

I sighed and said an ok before I looked out the window.

My phone buzzed in my pocket alerting me that I got a text.

I pulled out my phone a smile appeared on my face as I saw the name Miguel flashing on my screen.

Miguel:hey babe


Miguel:how are you

Avalina:good and you

Miguel:not so good

Avalina:why not

Miguel:um do you think I can see you after school


The car came to a Holt in the school parking lot.

I walked out with my black pack in hand as I placed my phone in the front pocket of the bag.

I walked into the building and I found cali and Sam standing by my locker by the looks of things cali was biting her nails meaning some thing was wrong.

"Hey guys"I said  as I examined cali

"Uh hey lina"Sam said as we both watched as cali kept pacing back and forth.

"Whats going on"I asked referring  to cali

"I don't know she didn't want to say anything until you got here"Sam said

"Earth to California Avalina is here you can now tell us what is bothering you so much"Sam said

Cali stopped pacing and she faced us.

"We can't talk here...too many people are watching"she said in a whisper

"So where then?"Sam asked

In case you haven't noticed I'm actually the quiet type.

"I don't know if only we could skip school"she said

I saw a smirk appear on Sam's face.

"Which we will not be doing"cali said

"Oh come on "Sam said

" no"cali said as she took her book out of the locker

"Well you did say this day is not going to go why not"Sam said

"What do you mean this day is not going to go well"I finally spoke up

"Nothing...we'll  talk later"cali said as she rushed off

"Trust me your not the only one whose confused by California and her crazy behaviour"Sam said as we began our walk to first lesson which was sadly gym


Sam and I walked out of gym class with our bodies burning in pain from the gruesome game of dogeball.

A sport I'm not exactly good at...well actually I'm not good in any sport.

"I can't breath"Sam said as he rubbed her chest

"My body feels like I've been hit by a truck followed by a train"I over exaggerated

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