Chapter 22

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Um guys I'll still be putting  it as avalina P.O.V even though she is now Stacy.

Avalina P.O.V

I was having a wonderful dream about me and Miguel taking a walk on the beach holding hands and talking about anything and everything.

I looked so happy...I was smiling and so was felt so real.

And just when he was about to kiss me I heard a loud banging sound.

It sounded like someone was banging on the I covered my ears with a pillow hoping that it would stop but  it didn't.

"WAKE UP....WAKE UP BITCH!"I jolted out of bed with a angry look on my face.

I got out of my my green and blue boxers,and my white t-shirt.

My hair curly and all over the place.

"I'm coming...jeez just stop banging the door...or whatever"I said.

I opened the door and there stood three with blond hair and black roots,another with purple hair and another with pink  hair.

The one with blond hair had a huge box in hand.

"Hello...can I help you guys?"I asked trying so hard not to act like a bitch.

"Um  yeah....we are looking for if she is here tell her to get her fat adis outta bed and come out here...and also  do you know a Stacy"blonde said

"I'm Stacy and Jesse woke up an hour ago to take a jog"I said

"Oh hey girl"pink hair said

"Yeah hi"I replied

"So aren't you gonna invite us in?"the purple haired girl said

"Um sorry about that...sure come in"I said as I stepped aside and let them in.

I closed the door and they walked into the living room.

"Well I'm zonique aka star"blonde said

"I'm bahja aka beauty"pink haired girl said

"And I'm bre...just bre"purple haired girl said.

"Well nice to meet y'all....I'm Stacy as you guys know...and I'm aka I don't know"I said

"Ok well....we brought this box for has yout outfit for tonight but see we wanted Jesse to approve it first"zonnique saud

"Why should she approve it first when I'm the one wearing it?"I said  with a hint of attitude.

"Well um because she is your mentor"bahja said

"Whatever....Well You guys can wait for her while I sleep"I said as I was about to walk out.

"Look...we're sorry for waking you up...and we get that your angry but the least you could do is not be so seem like a sweet and kind person and I have a feeling that's who you please try being nicer"bre said as I turned around to look at her.

She was right....I'm not the type of person who would act like a bitch...but this is the new me.

And this new me can't go around acting like a complete bitch..I mean sometimes it wouldn't hurt but not all the time.

"I'm sorry for acting like a complete bitch....I just get really grumpy when I'm woke  up from my sleep"I said

"Your forgiven"bahja said

The door opened and in came Jesse panting and dripping with sweat.

"Hey......ladies"she said  out of breath.

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