Chapter 26

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Avalina P.O.V

"W-what?"I asked confused

"Well since you didn't want to have intercourse with him...he forced himself too hard and you bled due to the pressure"he said

"Oh"I said as the tears continued streaming down my face.

"Wait here while I run you a bath"he said before he got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom.

After a couple of minutes Miguel came to wake me up from my nap.

He carried me bridal style into the bathroom and gently placed me into the warm bubble bath.

"Is the temperature ok?"he asked

"Yeah"I replied

"Well sit that I can wash your back"he said with his sexy smirk on his face.

"I'm not disabled you know"I said

"And I love know"he said which brought a smile in my face.

"Why Miguel?"I asked

"Why what?"

"If you love me why did you act like such a bitch when you drove me here....why did you let him do it and why didn't you try finding me...I didn't even try hiding my identity...I waited for you to find me but it seemed like you didn't want to"I said as tears where at the brink of running down my face.

I honestly needed to know the answers to theses questions...I mean I know he wasn't able to stop mikyle from doing what he did but at the same time if felt like he was able to.

This wouldn't have happens if he didn't go...if he didn't leave mikyle to watch me....but its it his fault that he's brother is a pervert and a rapist.

"I only acted like that because I felt that it would be easier for me not to have the urge to kiss you...hug you...hold you and to not rip off your clothes every chance I get when you hated me...I honestly love you and if I knew mikyle wanted to do such a thing to you I wouldn't have let him...I did try finding you...but I didn't look to hard because deep down inside I felt that maybe you just really needed your space....and also since I read those girly wattpad books you made me read I also felt like you wanted to be found"I giggled as the tears ran down my face.

"Gosh I hate crying"I stated truthfully

"Gosh I hate it when you cry"he mocked me

He stood up and took his t-shirt off...

"What are you doing?"i asked

"I'm about to get in the bath and relax with my queen"he said after slipped his pants off.

I moved forward moving the water and he sat behind me causing the level of the water to rise.

I rested my back on his chest and he wrapped his arms around my chest....I sighed and closed my eyes not wanting this moment to ever end.

Suddenly the door burst open and it was Mike..he was panting and had swept beads across his forehead.

"Look man I'm sorry for disturbing your little moment but we got company"he said with a serious expression on his face.

Miguel stood up and got out the bathtub...I had my hands covering my breast as I eyed the both of the in a cinfused manner...I obviously knew that there was trouble but I really wanted to know what kind...

"Look babe...I need you to get dressed and stay in this room...don't Come out until I say that"he said as he walked out with Mike.

I didn't even get a chance to respond....I got out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around my body...I tied my hair in a bun and I got out of the bathroom making sure to check the coast.

I got into Miguel's room and I pulled out his grey t-shirt and his black basketball shorts.

I wore his black Jordan's and sat on the bed...I heard some commotion outsid the window and I knew very well not to I crossed my legs Indian style and bit my lip....I huffed.

It suddenly went quiet and I sighed in relief atleast the noise was gone until I heard a ear piercing bang...I jumped off the bed and looked out the window...I saw Miguel holding Mike and there was blood on them...there was a black car and there stood mikyle..holding a gun and Vlad standing next to him with a smirk on his face.

I felt chills run up my spine and I was frozen...I couldn't understand the scene in front of me....who was shot between Mike and Miguel?....since when is vlad and mikyle on the same team?...why aren't I moving?

Suddenly I felt hot liquid running down my face...I sniffed and I realised that I was crying.

Vlad smirked and began chuckling... He patted mikyle on the back and got in the car...mikyle stood there looking at booth his brothers...he signed and bowed his head before he got in the car and drove away with Vlad.

I finally moved and ran down stairs....I got out the front door and Miguel fell over and laid in his back...he held his abdomen in pain groaned as blood gushed out of it...I ran over to him and placed my head over his bloody hand.

"Call the police!"I yelled at mike as the teats streamed down my face.

"A-avalina...I....I love you"he whispered before he closed his eyes

"No! Miguel you can't fucking die on me....I've lost everty8ne but I can't lose you...please"I cried onto his chest... He still had a firm grip on my hand.

I just can't...I can't lose Miguel because he is all I have right now...I don't even k now where Sam and Cali mother died...daddy dead.

I cried so hard that I couldn't breath anymore.

-😢😢😢miguel got shot


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