Chapter 28

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Avalina P.O.V

I sat in the back of a van...tears streaming down my face...dirt covered my heart broken because I have no clue where the hell I am or where the hell I'm going...Miguel is no where to be found and I regret not speaking to him.

The van came to a stop...I hear the front seat car door open then close...the man was wearing a balaclava over his I couldn't see him well enough.

"Come on"he said and I struggled to get out because my hands where tied behind my back.

When I finally made it out he held a gun to my back again as he guided me into some dark trees...once we where deep in the woods I saw an old aboanded two story wooden house.

We got in and it smelled like delicious food...the house was well lit...we made it into the living room and i saw two with braids and the other with a blond Mohawk.

"Sit"the man behind me ordered

I sat on the couch and I looked at my feet while nibbling on my bottom lip...the guy with braids whistled.

"Damn...Prince forgot to mention that she looks sexy"he said

"Shut fool...yo prod could you call prince"the guy who brought me in here said

"Look I'm going to need you to keep calm at all times...don't shout or curse or try anything funny ok"the guy said

He took his balaclava off and he had short curly hair...and a beautiful smile..."my name is roc by the way"he said

He looked away from me and suddenly before me stood blood began to boil and I was ready to pounce until roc gave a look..reminding me to keep I took a deep breath in and out.

"Hi"mikyle said

I didn't say anything in return...I kept my mouth shut because I honestly I didn't want the wrong words to come out of my mouth.

"Ok I understand that you hate me...especially after what I have done to you and Miguel...but right now I brought you here to help you"he said

I scoffed and shook my head...."you honestly expect me to believe that you want to help me when you tied me up...put me in the back of a van and drove me into the woods...after you raped me in your own brother's house and after you shot the love of my life...the one person who happens to be my only family...your own blood and yet you claim you want to help me...doesn't that sound like bullshit to you?...cause it sounds like bullshit to me"I replied

He took a stool and sat in front of me...roc looked at mikyle in shock...I guess mikyle never told them what he typical.

"I know it sounds fucked up but its true...I want to help you...look growing up my Dad was a gangster...a seriously bad one...he was always involving Mike,Miguel and I in his shit and one day I made a mistake...a huge one...something I can't forguve myself for...and I know you wont forgive me either...your was a cop right?"he asked and I nodded slowly

"And they said she died of breast cancer three years ago right?"I nodded in response.

" day dad had made us go sell a kilo of while Mike and Miguel where in the building doing the dealing I had to wait I saw a police car drive by and I got nervous but I calmed down once it drove further donw th stree it stopped in front of a guy who was wearing a black sweater and during the conversation he pointed towards me suddenly the police car came driving back...I got scared and banged on the door the opened and Mike stuck his head out the door...i-I told him to get out but he didn't listen"he sighed and looked at me

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