Chapter 15

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Avalina P.O.V

I can't believe it.

He said those three words...He said he loves me and I didn't know what to to respond.

So I  just held him and said nothing.

But that was an hour ago and ever since that hour he hasn't said anything to me.

We where in the car and mikyle was driving cause he knew where we were going and Miguel sat next to him.

I sat alone in the back seat feeling bad because I think I hurt miguels feelings by not responding.

Because he has ignored me ever since the whole 'I love you' thing.

But isn't it too early to be saying that cause we've only been together for a couple of weeks.

I sighed aloud and I began chewing my nails which is something I do when I'm frustrated and thinking really hard.

"When are we stopping?"I asked aloud.

"Pretty soon I see a gas station in the distance"mikyle said

"Ok"I said

Miguel looked at me through the review mirror and I could almost see the hurt in his eyes.

"Smoke with me baby
Lay with me baby now
Laugh with me baby

I just want the simple things
I just want you
Look at me baby
I just want"miguels song played on the radio.

He took out the CD and he played a normal radio station.

Mikyle eyed him weirdly.

"You ok?"mikyle asked Miguel

"Yeah just fine"Miguel said as you could hear the anger in his voice.

We finally stopped at the gas station and I was the first to get out the car.

I needed the toilet.

I was so glad to find the toilets unoccupied meaning I didn't have to wait in a Que.

I did my business and got out and I washed my hands.

I looked at myself  in the mirror and I couldn't help but let a tear fall.

I hate how angry and hurt Miguel is  because of me.

I splashed some water into my face.

After I was done in the toilet I walked out and I found mikyle buying some snacks.

I told him what I wanted and I headed back to the car hopping to find it empty.

I got in and I found migule in his seat in the front.

I sat there quietly and I pulled out my phone.

I began reading a wattpad book just to pass the time and to stop me from feeling bad.

"I'm sorry "he said I looked up just to make sure that he was talking to me.

"F-for what?"I asked as I slowly put my phone away

"I shouldn't have gotten angry when you didn't respond to me saying I love you....I didn't mean to say just slipped out"he said as he looked at me.

"It's ok...I'm sorry too"I said

"For what?"he asked

"For making you feel so stupid for expressing how you feel...even if I didn't respond I shouldn't have just kept quiet like that"I said

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